Stefan Simanowitz Profile picture
"Action, like a sacrament, is the visible form of an invisible spirit" (bell hooks) || journalist || campaigner || @amnesty || Easily distracte

Jul 13, 2022, 6 tweets

1/. “No one should be prosecuted for showing compassion. Not me. Not anyone”

Tmw, Justyna Wydrzyńsk will be in court in Poland facing 3 years in jail for providing abortion pills to a victim of domestic violence

@amnestyPL/@amnesty will be at the court…

2/. “The trial of Justyna Wydrzyńska comes at a time when the threat to abortion rights has been brought into sharp focus by the #SCOTUS decision to overturn #RoeVsWade. It’s a reminder that our rights can’t be taken for granted” @amnesty’s @AgnesCallamard

3/. The trial of Justyna Wydrzyńska
Is about to resume

“Anything less than all charges against being immediately dropped would set a dangerous precedent in Poland. It will also send a chilling message to other govts seeking to curtail the activities of abortion rights activists”

4/. “People who need an abortion in #Poland must get reliable & unbiased information about safe abortions & they should access help & support.” Justyna Wydrzyńska

There is a big solidarity demo outside the court & a lot of media interest

The hearing is about to start @amnestyPL

5/. The ordeal continues

Justyna’s hearing has been postponed until 14 October 2022

Her conviction would mark the high watermark in a repressive tide that’s been sweeping Poland for some years: a rollback for which women & girls – & those who defend them – pay a high #Abortion

6/. #BREAKING: "I will go directly from this courthouse to @aborcyjnydream to support people who need to access abortions"

Undaunted, Justyna Wydrzynsk - who faces up to 3 years in jail for helping a woman access abortion pills - speaking outside the court

Hearing now 14 Nov

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