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Preserving the history of this amazing island 🇱🇰 Praveen - Genealogist, Student, Nerd, History Buff, and Cricket Fanatic DM for Family History Research

Jul 26, 2022, 8 tweets

Black July in Black and White

🧵TW: Violence

A look at the photos from Black July

#BlackJuly1983 #BlackJuly #SriLanka #History #lka

"Mobs of Sinhala youth rampaged through the streets, ransacking homes, shops and offices, looting them and setting them ablaze, as they sought out members of the Tamil ethnic minority." - London Daily Telegraph

"In Pettah, the old commercial heart of the city, row after row of sari boutiques, electronic dealers, rice sellers, car parts stores, lie shattered and scarred..." - London Guardian

"Tamil Refugees at the harbor" (August 1983)

"Tamil Refugees disembarking in Jaffna" (August 1983)

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