Preserving the history of this amazing island 🇱🇰
Praveen - Genealogist, Student, Nerd, History Buff, and Cricket Fanatic
DM for Family History Research
Aug 3, 2022 • 8 tweets • 3 min read
Kattankandy Mosque Massacre
#OnThisDay (3 Aug 1990), 147 worshippers were massacred by the LTTE at two different mosques in Kattankandy, Batticoloa. Disguised as Muslim worshippers themselves, 30 perpetrators attacked the over 300 people, spraying gunfire.
"I was kneeling down and praying when the rebels started shooting. The firing went on for 15 minutes. I escaped without being hit and found myself among bodies all over the place."
- Mohammed Ibrahim, a 40-year-old businessman
Aug 3, 2022 • 6 tweets • 4 min read
#OnThisDay (2-3 Aug 1989), the Valvettiturai massacre occurred where 64 Tamil civilians were killed by the Indian Peace Keeping Force. The massacre was in retaliation of an LTTE attack on the IPKF that killed 6 soldiers.
"At the junction there were hundreds of IPKF soldiers. I saw there many cars smashed up. Most of the shops at the junction had been burnt down. I saw many dead bodies in front of the shops."
- Nadarajah Anantharaj
Aug 2, 2022 • 4 tweets • 3 min read
Interesting...from what I'm seeing, after the Kandyan Convention in 1815, the Sinhala numeral system fell out of fashion and where replaced with the Arabic numerals we know today. #history#srilanka#lka
Looking at some of Sri Lanka's oldest civil registration records done under British rule, it looks like only Arabic numerals are used (1822 Colombo Marriage Records).
Jul 26, 2022 • 8 tweets • 4 min read
Black July in Black and White
🧵TW: Violence
A look at the photos from Black July
"Mobs of Sinhala youth rampaged through the streets, ransacking homes, shops and offices, looting them and setting them ablaze, as they sought out members of the Tamil ethnic minority." - London Daily Telegraph
Jul 26, 2022 • 7 tweets • 2 min read
TW: Violence
When we look at the history behind Black July, its not only Sri Lankan Tamils that were affected. Indian Tamils also suffered during this tragic time. Here are some of the stories from then...
Nuwara Eliya (29 July 1983)
Jul 25, 2022 • 6 tweets • 3 min read
Today in History (24-30 July 1983)
39 years ago, an Anti-Tamil Pogrom descended across Sri Lanka eventually escalating into mass violence killing thousands. This week, we'll be hearing the stories of the victims, trying to stop it from happening again.
“While travelling on a bus when a mob laid siege to it, passengers watched as a small boy was hacked ‘to limb-less death.’ The bus driver was ordered to give up a Tamil. He pointed out a woman who was desperately trying to erase the mark on her forehead..."
-William McGowan (1/2)
Apr 22, 2022 • 12 tweets • 8 min read
There's been discussion over the symbolism in the Sri Lankan flag, so today, we're going to take some time discussing where it comes from and how this design came to be...
According to the Mahavamsa, the Sinhalese people descend from present-day Bengal. At this time, a supposed "lion-man" named Sinha had two children with a princess from Vanga, named Suppadevi. Their son, Sinhabahu would go on to found the city of Sinhapura and became king.
Apr 19, 2022 • 14 tweets • 9 min read
With the recent discussion of the #nationalanthem and the debate between singing it in #sinhala and #tamil, today we're going to take a look at the #history of this song seeing what we can take away from it's controversial past...
Prior to Independence, the national anthem of Ceylon was 'God Save the King' - a fact of colonial rule which many despised. The Ceylon National Congress, one of the nation's independence organisations, vowed to create a new national anthem when the nation became independent.
Apr 18, 2022 • 11 tweets • 9 min read
In our continued look at #protests and past civil disobedience in our #history, today we're covering the May Day Rallies and labour strikes of early 19th century #srilanka and seeing what we can learn from their success...
The origins of these labour protests can be traced back to colonial rule. Many low-class native Sri Lankans worked in factories and estates while British business owners simply managed their monopolies. Wages were low, hours were long, and little to no facilities were provided.
Apr 17, 2022 • 9 tweets • 7 min read
Happy Easter Everyone!
Today, we look back at the history of Easter to our nation's relationship to this holiday and how we can learn to come together on this day in the midst of the present crisis...
The Holiday celebrates the resurrection of Christ. According to the New Testament, this occurred 3 days after he was crucified in 30 AD. This holiday concludes the 40 day period of fasting that began with Lent.
Apr 17, 2022 • 11 tweets • 6 min read
As we reflect on #COVID19 and realize how difficult the pandemic has been, let's take a look back at a past #pandemic in 1918 and learn about the parallels between them and how both affected our island nation...
As many of you may know, Spanish flu is not actually from Spain. There are many theories on where it actually began but many claim the source was Camp Funston in Kansas, USA. There it spread via WW1 troops to Spain were the uncensored press reported on it for the first time.
Apr 16, 2022 • 9 tweets • 8 min read
With the recent #protests, national attention has turn the events of #OccupyGalleFace. But, I doubt many people truly understand #galleface significance and #history. Today, I want to take a look at it's #past and see what we can #learn.
Originally, Galle Face was a strategic military location for the Dutch and was named "Gal Gate" as the gateway to Colombo Fort. In the 1800s, it covered a massive area and was home to many recreational activities - cricket, racing, golf, and, rugby - that drew large crowds.
Apr 15, 2022 • 11 tweets • 5 min read
During the early 1900s, many Ceylonese left for Malaya in order to find work. In WW2, they came at odds with the Japanese who started their conquest of East Asia...
In 1941, one girl documented that experience in a diary, check it out below...
December 1, 1941
The English Paper of the Senior Cambridge Exam wasn’t as bad as we expected. In spite of the fuss Aunty made, Indrani and I had lunch by ourselves at the Jubilee Restaurant. Enjoyed it too, though we couldn’t relax, as there was a paper in the afternoon.
Apr 15, 2022 • 8 tweets • 5 min read
There have been increasing cries for President Rajapaksa to step down, but this is not unique to today…
Take a look at how in 1953, the Ceylonese Hartal brought down PM Senanayake and his UNP government…
In the 1952 elections, the UNP, led by Dudley Senanayake, won a majority in Parliament. However, in 1953, things went downhill as Sri Lanka slumped into economic crisis after the boom from the Korean war came to an end.
Apr 14, 2022 • 8 tweets • 4 min read
Today, we're angered by inflation but did you know your ancestors experienced similar conditions 150 years ago...
In 1866, Grain Riots broke out over the price of rice and a weak British colonial response. Read how it unfolded below...
For centuries, while rice cultivation in Sri Lanka existed, the country mainly relied on imports from India for it's supply. This continued even after the British took control of Ceylon in 1796 and they imposed import duties and taxes to profit off this trade and raise revenue.
Apr 13, 2022 • 7 tweets • 4 min read
Happy Sinhalese & Tamil New Year to Everyone!
For centuries this has been an important celebration for Sri Lankans of all backgrounds...
Take a look at how it started and where it evolved from below...
There is no definite origin story for the Sri Lankan New Year and most scholar point to a multitude of sources that all evolved into what we now celebrate today. But, it can be said that the modern festival originated in the 1500s during the Sītāvaka Period.
Apr 12, 2022 • 9 tweets • 5 min read
In 1915, Sri Lanka experienced a period of unrest as the Sinhalese-Muslim riots broke out, leading to attacks on the Moor population and a suppressive British response...
Read how it unfolded below...
In the late 1800s, Sri Lanka experience a period of Buddhist revival as many resented the encroachment of Christian missionaries, the weakening of traditional authority under British rule since 1815, and the growing Muslim culture and identity in Ceylon.
Apr 12, 2022 • 6 tweets • 4 min read
In April 1961, Tamil Students led a march in Jaffna to protest the Sinhala-Only Act...
Take a look at how it unfolded and what we can learn from it today...