🇺🇦Paula Chertok🗽 Profile picture
Linguist, lawyer, writer, refugee, immigrant • Analyzing propaganda, media, Russia, Ukraine • @Euromaidanpress @StopFakingNews • Democracy•Inclusion•Innovation

Jul 26, 2022, 8 tweets

💥"There was no order"—Trump's own Defense Secretary testified that Trump NEVER ordered Nat'l Guard troops for #Jan6. Pathetic liar Trump claims he did & Pelosi rejected it. And the GOP & GOP propaganda media shamelessly blame Dems for Trump's terrorist attack/coup/insurrection.

💥“prosecutors have asked…detailed questions about meetings Trump led in December 2020 and January 2021; his pressure campaign on Pence to overturn the election; and what instructions Trump gave his lawyers & advisers about fake electors and sending electors back to the states”

AG Garland is on it >> Justice Dept received phone records of key Trump officials and aides—including Mark Meadows—in April. BEFORE the @January6thCmte hearings in June & July.

The DOJ criminal probe into Trump & his coup attempt has apparently been going on for months.

DOJ’s criminal probe into Trump’s #Jan6 #coup has two investigative tracks that could ultimately lead to “additional scrutiny” of Trump.
1/ #seditious #conspiracy and conspiracy to obstruct a government proceeding
2/ #fraud tied to fake electors scheme & pressure on DOJ & states

In connection with DOJ’s criminal probe into Trump, subpoenas ordered 2 Arizona state legislators to turn over communications with any member, employee, or agent of Trump or any org. advocating for the 2020 re-election of Trump, including ‘Donald J. Trump for President, Inc.’

The criminal investigation into Trump is part of DOJ’s larger #Jan6 #coup probe—“the largest ever undertaken” by DOJ. It began after the mob insurrection. Most of the work is being done by 3 offices: US attorney in DC, criminal and national security divisions at Justice Dept HQ.

In the #Jan6 #coup criminal probe’s first year, DOJ prosecutors focused largely on the people who breached the Capitol.

This year the fake-elector plot is the inquiry’s major focus, investigating Trump lawyers & aides, notably Giuliani, Eastman, Meadows. And finally Trump.

💥NYT report matches WaPo bombshell that DOJ criminal probe into #Jan6 is investigating Trump’s personal involvement in the coup to overturn his election loss to Biden. Also confirms DOJ has Meadows’ phone records since April 🍿🍿🍿nytimes.com/2022/07/26/us

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