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Jul 30, 2022, 8 tweets

Did you know?

4⃣0⃣0⃣ million people have no access to essential health services
2⃣1⃣4⃣ million women of reproductive age in developing countries cannot access modern contraceptive methods
2⃣2⃣ million unsafe #abortions occur each year globally

🔸Every day 🗓️ more than 1⃣ million sexually transmitted infections are acquired

🔸Around the 🌎🌍🌏: the number of new #HIV infections among young people is still unacceptably high


Every person, irrespective of #HIV status, should be able to realize their sexual and reproductive health and rights.



Improving sexual and reproductive health and well-being is critical in respecting the human rights of people in all their diversity.
It is also key to achieving #HealthForAll

#HIV is not only driven by gender inequality, it also entrenches gender inequality, leaving women and girls more vulnerable to its impact.

Women & girls can be decisive regarding their own health. Accessing quality sexual & reproductive health services is key.
Barriers to this are:
🔸Poor #MentalHealth
🔸Lack of a safe & enabling environment

Sustained and meaningful engagement of communities of women living with #HIV is not only crucial to improving health outcomes but also fundamental to transforming health systems to achieve progress on HIV/AIDS around the 🌎🌍🌏

Self-care options for #HIV, including self-testing, will pave the way for:
✅stronger health systems
✅more resilient response to sexual and reproductive health and rights
✅better outcomes


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