Yahya Mahamid محاميد 🇮🇱 🎗️ Profile picture
Israeli Zionist Muslim Arab,(res) IDF combat soldier, education is the road to peace. عربي صهيوني, جندي اسرائيلي. Rt=\=Endorsement

Aug 5, 2022, 12 tweets

8 Islamic jihad terrorists eliminated in the #Gaza strip.
2 were on the way to carry a terrorist attack on the Gaza fence.

#PIJ Palestinian Islamic Jihad has been preparing to carry terrorist attacks and making threats. The @IDF carried targeted strikes against the terrorists who ordered this escalation.
The Average #Gazan is being used as a human shield for building terror infrastructure & terrorism

The @IDF conducted a targeted neutralization strike against a senior commander of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad terrorist group in Gaza. Tayseer Jabari.

The IDF targets a missle launching site in the #Gaza strip *BEFORE* the missle is launched. You can see the missile being ignited after the strike!

The missle was aimed at *ISRAELI CIVILIANS*, parents, kids.

#Red_alert (rocket sirens) are sounding all over southern #Israel.
Israeli civilians have between 10-40 seconds to run to the bomb shelter!
This terrorism must be stopped!

More than 80 #rockets fired from the #Gaza strip by the #Palestinian Islamic Jihad - PIJ.
80 attempted murders of Random Israeli civilians. A rocket will not tell the difference between a child, religion, ethnic background,
PIJ targets all Israelis..

حركة الجهاد الاسلامي في #فلسطين توجه اصابع الاتهام وتناشد "بالرد" ..
والمواطن في #غزة يدفع الثمن ..
كفى للارهاب!
#غزه_تقاوم #غزة_العزة

Being shared in #Gaza:
A pamphlet asking all the "Mujahideen" not to walk in groups, not even groups of two.
And not to carry any electrical devices when carrying "launch missions".

Continuous rockets fired at Israeli civilians from the #Gaza strip. 🔴
Notice where the rockets are being fired from? Middle of a very populated area. PIJ is using the Gazans as human shields and they continue to claim "victory" ..
#GazaUnderAttack #IsraelUnderAttack

Op #BreakingDawn 1st day summary:
🔴IDF neutralized 40 targets.
🔴Some of the targets: 5 launch sites, 6 missile manufacturing sites, 2 weapon warehouses, 1 missile warehouse, 6 lookout sites for PIJ.
🔴PIJ fired 160 rockets, Iron dome stopped 130. 30 rockets fell in #Gaza.

تلخيص اليوم الاول لعملية #الفجر_الصادق
30 صاروخ سقط في قطاع #غزة.
#غزة_تحت_القصف من صواريخ "المقاومة" العبثية. يلعبون بارواحكم وبارواح ابنائكم.

Health ministry in Gaza:
"48 hours until the electric generators run out of gas and health facilities can't operate."

Terrorists have taken over the lives of the Gazans and turned it into a living hell. This terrorism must stop! Non stop rocket sirens in Israel since t\ morning

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