Jason L. Salemi, PhD, FACE Profile picture
Proud Husband & Dad • Professor and Chair, Department of Epidemiology, @usfcoph🤘 • Fellow of the American College of #Epidemiology 🇺🇲

Aug 17, 2022, 10 tweets

1/ Here's a quick #COVID update - I prepare a weekly report for my college so I thought I should share a broad overview (with #AltText)

VARIANTS: BA.5 continues to have increasing dominance over other variants, representing ~ 9 in 10 new cases

2/ REPORTED CASES: Though a significant underestimate of actual circulating infections, it is clear that reported cases are down in most areas in the US.

Florida is down 31% relative to two weeks ago (now to ~7,000 cases per day).

3/ WASTEWATER DATA: The decrease in reported cases in Florida is supported by Biobot Analytics data in 6 large counties over the past 6 weeks.

4/ HOSPITAL ADMISSIONS: In Florida, although we still do have among the highest confirmed COVID-19 admission rates in the country, we are seeing a marked decrease in hospitalizations, hospital census, and patients in the ICU.

Below are confirmed adult COVID admissions over time.


LEFT: Similar story in which most (but certainly not all) states are showing a decreasing census in the past week or two.

RIGHT: Florida numbers over the last 8 weeks.

6/ CDC COMMUNITY LEVELS: These improvements are welcomed because last Thursday's update showed improvement nationally on CDC's hospitalization-based county risk metric, but not in FL.

We will have updated numbers in two days - hoping for a much better picture.

7/ CDC TRANSMISSION LEVELS: Again, these will be updated in two days, but transmission levels remain high, not just because of these rates, but because we know they are such an underestimate of infections.

I expect the outlook Thursday (with the update) to be better.


LEFT: In Florida, we have hit a peak (during the current wave) of ~70 deaths per day (hit on July 22). So, it would be wrong to call this wave “mild”.

RIGHT: For context, we’ve had 4 waves in Florida in which average daily deaths exceeded 200 per day (delta was >400).

9/ VACCINATIONS (for seniors)

Whereas 90% of seniors in Florida have completed a primary series, only 57%got the first booster, and 20%the second booster.


For more details, and interactive visualizations allowing drilldown for all states, please visit 👇

Stay safe!


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