Monica Gandhi MD, MPH Profile picture
MD, MPH; ID/HIV MD; UCSF (tweets own); No conflicts; Wrote book on COVID & pandemic playbook Mayo Clinic Press 2023, "Endemic: A Post-Pandemic Playbook"

Aug 20, 2022, 8 tweets

UPDATE IN INFECTIOUS DISEASES: Asked to give update in all infectious diseases (!) for UCSF COVID town hall yesterday. Couldn't do talk justice in 10 minutes but here are 4 main updates in slides
#Monkeypox outbreak epidemiology.

Major #HIV update is how far behind we have fallen in terms of HIV prevention and treatment goals over past 2 years of #COVID. UNAIDS report…
Much work to do for #HIV

Major #polio update is this infection could be eradicated as only animal reservoir is other primates but we have had setbacks due to backsliding in childhood vaccination rates during #covid

Here are some clinical features of #polio to remember; dreaded symptoms are paralytic and rare but can occur among those without vaccination

And finally #measles- very sad that 157 unvaccinated children died in Zimbabwe from a large measles outbreak (all unvaccinated; we have fallen behind)

Some important medical facts about #measles and the current vaccines and symptoms

WHAT TO DO? #HIV no vaccine yet (mRNA vaccine in trials now); HIV treatment & prevention must be disseminated more equitably worldwide. Monkeypox, polio, measles all have vaccines & must address modifiable risk factors for low rates (e.g. more production Jynneos, restore trust)

"Many called, few chosen" for POLIO, looks like it has been circulating in wastewater longer than thought in NYC but one case of paralytic polio in an unvaccinated young person in Rockland means solution is vaccination; prevents disease (not all spread)…

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