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KP // Snowboarding πŸ‚ // Artist 🎨 // Building @DENGSonApe // #ApeChain & @ApeCoin // MAYC #18132 // Still looking for my Queen Pickle

Aug 23, 2022, 46 tweets

1) This is a thread to track my journey through the #tezos universe and I'll update it every time I add a new piece to the pickle jar! This is a PURE art 🧡

2) This piece is literally called "#2" and was my first purchase in the #Tezos ecosystem. I scooped it off @objktcom because it reminds me of these abstract wooden clown sculptures my grandmother had when she was alive. Spooks the hell outta me but I love it πŸ˜‚

Artist: @Tlapz01


This piece kicked off my obsession with loops and animated trippy horror shows. LOVE THE EYES. If you're tired, change the colors ;).

Artist: @jordigandul


Then I started learning how to find new art by searching through hodler wallets and seeing what other collectors like myself have found. Tracked down another affordable piece from Jordi! BINGO 🎲

Artist: @jordigandul

5) Double Trouble

My #tezos wallet is finally starting to have a 'vibe'! I'm digging the psychedelic and futuristic animated gifs. Found this dope artist who has amazing taste in blues and pinks. The colors are *CHEFS KISS*

Artist: @bgfdel92

6) The Eightfold Noble Path Towards Enlightenment

I don't like a lot of AI assisted art but thanks to a chain recommendation stemming from @NateElliott, I found this INSANE piece. Spent HOURS (not exaggerating) zooming into different parts of this piece.

Artist: @ganbrood


Had to scoop my .tez. Things are getting serious.

8) Finding Home

I really resonate with the style this artist uses with the symmetry, space themes, color pallets, and wild weirdness that i'm so fond ofπŸ€ͺ. People are so freaking talented...

Artist: @flostitanarum

9) Rooftop Jamming Session

This one threw me back to a time where me and my roomie would play guitar, drink coffee, smoke our cowboy killers, and enjoy the fresh Asheville mountain air. It hit me right in the heart. No brainer.

Artist: @faturrrhmn

10) Below On Line -------------

SEAMLESS LOOPS MAKE ME SWEAT. I love the vibes on this one and the texting while walking and fading away sentiment is one I resonate with

Artist: @Sanchisimo1

11) House Party 🏠

I finally learned how to follow artists and catch fresh drops. And a fresh drop this one was INDEED. Could watch this house party run its' loop for days on end. Will probably pick up another piece from this amazing UK based animator.

Artist: @stephenonguk

12) The Shill Van

Almost laughed myself right out of my chair bahaha. My first #tezos piece with sound!! More clean loops, sexy vectors, and too much truth πŸ˜‚πŸš— Good stuff.

Artist: @gerwyngiovanni

13) HotWax

My first Tez Offer accepted!! Got this WAYYYY under the main listing and couldn't be more stoked to collect a piece from this incredible artist. DRIP DRIP DRIP πŸ•―οΈπŸ•―οΈ

Artist: @adnerwbell

14) 2408

I've been eyeing this artist for a bit because their art is rlly affordable but wanted to snag this one representing the ukranian coat of arms for independence day and holding the tools of artists. Creativity is in our own hands πŸ™ŒπŸ™Œ. First minter!

Artist: @kiivals

15) Surfing Duck

HANG TEN BROOOOO. Duck out of water, skull surfer in a dope vintage style. My first piece from this artist and I can tell you in advance I bought more than 1 πŸ„β€β™€οΈ

Artist: @fajripersiano

16) Skull Ferris Wheel

I needed a second skull piece!! This one compliments the color of my previous buy really well and I'm already planning how to lay them out in the gallery!! Round n round we go...

Artist: @fajripersiano

17) TIME

This is my first realism loop! The tik tok playing like a metronome soothes me and weirds out my dog bahah. Nice American flag color scheme too. I put in a few offers on some other fun loops from this artist but I can't tell you which ones yet 🀫

Artist: @davegamez

18) King pink Pickle

I I even need to explain why I picked this gem up!? Not only is it me... it was minted September of last year right after I was "born" hehe. ANDDDD It's from an artist I've collected from -

Artist: @bgfdel92

19) Block Dock

This was my first mint on #tezos!! Happy to have snagged a dope generative piece from a killer collection with low editions. Honestly way more fun than ETH minting haha.

Artist: @jasondartford

20) Free for All

YESSS. This was a total all out auction war and I won one of the 10 editions! Couldn't be more ecstatic!! THIS IS GONNA BE A HELL OF A DAY!! #Tezos

Artist: @wzrdforfun

21) Selling Art.

To buy art is to buy a piece of the artist. I can't believe I got an accepted offer of 1 tez on this bad boy πŸ˜‚. Don't worry Daniel, I'll be buying more of your expensive art when I can afford it! baha.

Artist: @danielwponto02

22) Another Quiet Night

Without a single thing to do.... Picked up a fresh mint from mah boy. When i'm rich I can't wait to get the other characters. The colors are so pleasing and the animation is just enough to not make me sick!! Good stuff.

Artist: @bgfdel92

@bgfdel92 23) System.

I told you i'd get another 3d loop from this legend! Must listen with sound πŸ”Š Nothing like a fresh Glizzy and must the mustard bby!! 🌭

Artist: @davegamez

24) Frankenstein

If I cannot inspire love, I will cause fear! Picked this beauty up because there was only one other listing for 10x the one I snagged πŸ˜‰

Artist: @fajripersiano

25) Calm down buddy

My brother always says this to me when he wants to piss me off hahah/ SNOTTY LLAMAAAAAAA. Got this at a steal from someone i've collected from before!

Artist: @bgfdel92

26) Wise Judegment

I've been eyeing this freak for a while. This artist is a total weirdo like myself and i love them and their art. Especially love the collaborative nature of their NFTs integrating audio from other artists. Gonna scoop a few more πŸ’―.

Artist: @metaindreams

27) Cheese Seeker

It seems like a find a new artist to follow!! YASSS. Nice #Tezrats cotribution with this cleannnnnnnn RAT GAME πŸ€βš‘οΈ

Artist: @eclecticaI

28) The Mushroom πŸ„

This guy is hilarious!! πŸ”₯ Piece dropping some psicliiiiiii. Why did the mushroom go to the party? because he’s a fungi!

Artist: @fajripersiano

Wow I was drunk when I bought this guy haha. But I’m so glad I did.

29) Do Not Click 🚫

This piece jumped out at me. I dig the style but more than that, it's just so fucking RAW (sorry for the profanity). Not subtle per say but very relatable sentiment. Go touch some grass πŸ’š

Artist: @esraeslen

30) Bedroom Nostalgia 24

This is gonna be a problem. THERE ARE SO MANY GOOD ONESSSS. So much nostalgia. So much feels 😭 HALLOWEEN THEME BB πŸ‘»

Artist: @omgidrawedit

31) The Carnival - Audio Visual Art

This piece scares the hell out of me. Love the clown, the laughing gives me nightmares but the art gives me the goosebumps. Gotta buy anything that makes me FEEEEL πŸ€‘πŸ‘»

Artist: @metaindreams (art) & @APdrewsky (sound)

32) Laziness

I found a new artist. It's like every day on tezos 😻 This one is sad. But I get it. Laziness is tiring and being tired makes it so easy to be lazy. Excited to scope some more work from this stud.

Artist: @Denkel_art

@Denkel_art 33) Chill Night

*ANOTHER ONE * in DJ Khalid voice. So chill, so blue, so rain, so feeeels. Always stoked to get one of bgs pieces before they sell out with editions this low. These pinned together could make a movie πŸŽ₯

Artist: @bgfdel92

34) The Devil

The greatest trick he ever pulled was convincing the world he doesn't exist. The greatest torture was to create love and heartbreak. Another scoop from one of my top 3 favorite #tezos Artists that promised to teach me some animation πŸ˜‰

Artist: @fajripersiano

35) Death Level Ramen

Y'all know that I love food art. This is my first piece from this artist but I can tell you buy 36 is also gonna be one from them!! BON APPETIT 🍜

Artist: @skitchism

36) Pizza God

Another piece from the cult of bon appetit collection!! This was a cheapy but now I own all of them from the collection. Can't wait to see which ones come next! πŸ•

Artist: @skitchism

@skitchism 37) Take it easy, Dude!

I'm clearly addicted to my blue boi BGfdel. This one was too clean to pass up. SMILE. TAKE IT EASY. I'TS GONNA BE FINEEEEE😎

Artist: @bgfdel92

38) Self-deception

I love all things eyeballs. I love all things flat design. I love all things Space Wizard.

Connect 4 is way harder than it looks. I mean who has time to count all the way up to 3 like 10 times and then up to 4!?

Artist: @wzrdforfun #Tezos #art #animation

39) Big Brothers

This was a new type of piece for me. I got it for a ton of reasons. First, they were FLYING off the shelf. Second, it's SO TRIPPY AND DETAILED. SO MANY FRAMES. You can watch it a thousand times and notice something new. Ai is unreal

Artist: @jeromeherrcc

40) Organic Glasses

I love Tom's work but you may have noticed me buying up alot of SIMPLE and low frame 2D animations. Maybe I've been learning a few things....

I'll definitely pick up some more sketches from TAFbrod 🫑

Artist: @tomafbrockbrock

41) Watching the World Go By

Yep. I own this. 1/10 editions of this majestic transformative buildingscape by two true artistic legends. I can watch this forever. Which is kind of the point of the title, isn't it?

Artists: @stephenonguk & @jonhugo


42) Copycats

I FINALLY GOT ONE FROM LEWIS! So simple but so sophisticated. copy pasta face to face, I love this one so muchhhhhh 😻

43) seguimi al caffè

Wait what.....

My first from this bizarre artist. About to grab another. Mesmerized. Petrified 🀩

Artist: @Daxterpiece

44) Big Idea Generator

I told you I was gonna grab another... 🍦

Artist: @Daxterpiece

45) Random Night Stand

People used to call me "MewTwo" in elementary school. This one was packed with WAY TOO MANY BANGERS not to snag! Rick and Morty Bookends, Cow abduction/UFO, The green day "Pear" sticker 🀣
BRAVO. I love the dark tones and fluid shading

Artist: @Astr4K

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