Ultra Quamfy Profile picture
Identity + FMI = $Qnt $Cheq

Aug 28, 2022, 7 tweets

I think theres a severe distrust issue amongst society probably from the growth of the internet and social media along side data violations beyond any users control

This doesnt mean the framework/ infrastructure is not trusted, its just in need of redesign

Enter #DID's $cheq

None of this is new or uncommon, or the entities and personnel within the #identity industry.

There is just no "#decentralised #crypto" celebrity status attached for #hypeeee

$Cheq @Tweetddale @NickyHickman11



In my humble opinion, there should be the similar chatter of the #satoshi paper of 2008, for the #approval and #recommendation from the @w3c on the first identifier since the #URL.

Welcome to the #DID.

The Decentralised Identifier.

Image courtesy of @evernym (@Avast)

There has been an epic amount of time (years) and effort put into #DID's across many entities and personnel without completely knowing if it would all see success.

A great initiative birthed, @DecentralizedID

The Universal Resolver


There is so much to cover it's impossible in a simple tweet.

But its coming.


@cheqd_io $Cheq

People must understand what is being unlocked via such technological development in conjunction with #Public AND #PRIVATE #Blockchain / #DLT.

I lay here waiting for the pickup of being able to use your own #data_as_capital.

And what better than your own #Identity



I am personally waiting to see what @Avast is upto with acquisitions and such of ;

@NortonLifelock (soon?)

A future #wallet integration?

And how that reflects adoption with a user base of 435M+ (5%+ of globe)

#SSI #DID #VC #VP #ZKP $Cheq

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