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Jun 13th 2023
🔑 More passkeys for everyone!

Descope now helps you add passkey authentication to your app without changing your primary identity provider or user store.

Amazon Cognito and Auth0 customers can now add passkeys to existing logins by using our service as a federated IdP.

🧵👇 Drag and drop passkey authe...
🗣️@slavikm: “We are huge believers in the potential of passkeys. They are unphishable and make the process easier for end users. Our goal with these product enhancements is to reduce friction for any developers looking to add passkeys to their apps.”

Amazon Cognito customer?

✅ Check out our dev blog on how to add #passkeys to your existing user pools:…

✅ If you're a visual learner, this video covers the basics:

#authentication #identity #security #developers #cognito #amazon
Read 4 tweets
May 18th 2023
This is a threaded version of Ch 9:

“Civilization & the Travesty of Morals:

“*Gilgamesh, Enkidu, & the Uncivilized “Civilized” Man”

of *Who to Be: Identity, Authenticity, & Crisis* (2020)

by M. Adzema*

CLICK a link to read entire chapter...…

WTB 9/1
WTB 9/2 “…in taking away all freedoms & rights from Nature & all its planetmates, eventually the rights of any being were no longer seen as of any concern. What another wished, intended, or wanted became increasingly unseen as a consideration… #psychology
WTB 9/3 “What another wanted became increasingly unseen as a consideration, including, eventually, what a woman might want in terms of her body...& what a man might wish to do with his time...or his life. Power became the basis of morality”… #civilization
Read 344 tweets
Apr 28th 2023
#Koravanji is a Kannada word for a #tribal woman fortune teller which is known as #Yerukata in Telugu. Lord Srinivasa took a #vilakshana roopa of Koravanji while going to #Narayanapuram for promoting His marriage with #Padmavathi dEvi.+
In His #Koravanji avatara, Lord #Srinivasa was adorned with a visishta roopa (#Mayavi - #Kamaroopadhari) made Lord #BramHa as 7 months old #child by tying him to his back, made #Rudra Devaru as magic wand (#Kaigola) #basket carried symbolizing #Bramhanda as He is #JagadaAdhaAra.+
Read 4 tweets
Apr 23rd 2023
🧵In recent years, political #polarization has become a dominant feature of political discourse in many democratic nations. As political parties and their supporters increasingly diverge in their ideological beliefs, the divide between them grows, leading to a breakdown in 👇 Image
democratic norms and the collapse of social systems. This thread will explore the different ways in which political polarization contributes to the erosion of democracy and the collapse of social systems, providing a comprehensive understanding of this pressing global issue.👇
I. The Mechanisms of Political Polarization

1️⃣Identity Politics
One of the key factors driving political polarization is the rise of #identity politics. As individuals increasingly identify with their political affiliations, they tend to view opposing parties as enemies rather👇
Read 16 tweets
Mar 6th 2023
I think at large people are missing the significance of a #web3 #wallet beyond just #hodling your favourite #Crypto #Cryptocurency token.

Maybe the same way they effortlessly think about using the #chrome browser.

They are both portals for the #WWW and #Web3 respectively
There are new functionalities being added to #web3 wallets to exist as wallets to hold your #credentials for zero knowledge #authentication.

This wallet market is going to be worth a whopper of a predicted $7 trillion market by 2027 alone.
One of the most significant comments on this movement is from the creation of the open source Open Wallet Foundation via Linux, which has been noted as potentially more significant than #Linux itself!!!!!


With members such as #ToIP and #Avast (#Gen)
Read 7 tweets
Feb 25th 2023
[1/12] To understand what else is needed to create a financial future based on #blockchain technology, just consider what the #Interledger #Protocol was NOT designed to do. 😉

[A #Thread 🧵] Source:
[2/12] 🤔 What problem does #ILP genuinely address?

Just like the #internet will never agree on a single #protocol to fix everything, the world will never agree on a single #blockchain or ledger [#DLT].

What must be resolved is:
🔹 Addressing
🔹 Fragmentation The Interledger
[3/12] ❗️ To make it easy and #ELI5-friendly here is everything in one picture:

When Alice wants to send money to @bob_way, #ILP will perform all the heavy lifting so she doesn't have to worry about #wallet addresses (#PubKeys) and the like. Source:
Read 14 tweets
Feb 14th 2023
This thread is

Chapter 7, titled,

“Cellular Experience & Creation of the World:

“Beginning with Sperm & Ovum Arising Out of No-Formness, Our Experiences & Biology Constitute Our Human Reality”

of “Dance of the 7 Veils I”

by M. Adzema


D7V1 7/1
“Dance of the Seven Veils I” by Michael Adzema

is subtitled,

“Primal/Identity Psychology, Mythology, & Your Real Self

“Adult to Toddler, Veils One-Three”

Which is Volume 2 in The Path of Ecstasy Series

THREAD… #psychology #prenatal #anthro

D7V1 7/2
“[*Quotes/highlights:*] “We can’t know what we can’t know, but we cannot unknow what we are.” []

READ &/or dwnld entire BOOK free AT SITE...… #psychology #consciousness #conception #primal #anthro #womb #worldview #duality #cellular #experience

D7V1 7/3
Read 126 tweets
Feb 13th 2023
How #Zeroknowledge will Change Gaming Forever

New blogpost by @godstar28


#ZKP can be implemented in #gaming in two key ways:

1. Multiplayer gaming architecture
2. Gameplay

1/12 🧵👇
Incorporating ZKP to gaming results in:

- Lowered costs
- Increased privacy protection
- Effective anti-cheat methods
- Enhanced scalability

There are 4 ways online games are hosted today:

- Dedicated Game Server (Client-Server)
- Host-based #P2P
- P2P Hybrid
- #blockchain
Read 12 tweets
Jan 2nd 2023
TECH Thread 🧵 Web3 Domain Name Collision


🙋‍♀️ Can someone else own the same name?
🙋 Which name will be the one that works?
🙋‍♂️ Who are @HNS, @decentra_web, @freenameio, @ensdomains, @unstoppableweb

🧵⬇️ Like, Share & RT Plz🧵⬇️
❓What is a Name Collision ❓

In #Web2 a collision occurs when an attempt to resolve a #domain name in a private namespace results in a query to the public #DNS

When private and public domain namespaces overlap, it can create security risks, confusion, and systems failure.
While traditional #Web2 domain names are organized by @ICANN , there is no such governing body or alliance in #Web3.

In Web3, “domains” are used to send and receive #cryptocurrency in place of lengthy alphanumeric wallet addresses and are a vital component of Digital #Identity
Read 8 tweets
Nov 28th 2022
Hearing about cheqd for the first time? 🤔

Want to know more about what we are and what we do? 💡

Well, here are the details in a 🧵

For starters, we're building commercial models and trusted data marketplaces using #selfsovereignidentity #SSI, to allow you to take control of your data and #identity. 🆔

SSI is a form of digital identity / decentralised identity that allows you to have control over what you share, and when to revoke it. #decentralizedid

Read 9 tweets
Nov 26th 2022
This thread is

Chapter 1, titled,

“The Hidden Land of Origin:

“Our Astonishing Inability to Acknowledge Our Earliest Experiences & the Surprising Vista of Knowledge That Doing So Reveals”

THREAD… #psychology #prenatal #identity #birth #primal

D7V1 1/1
of “Dance of the Seven Veils I:

“Primal/Identity Psychology, Mythology, & Your Real Self

“Adult to Toddler, Veils One-Three”

Which is Volume 2 in The Path of Ecstasy Series


READ BOOK… #psychology #prenatal #identity #birth

D7V1 1/2

“*Primal Psychology & the Farther Reaches of Experience*

Ch 1:

“The Hidden Land of Origin:

“Our Astonishing Inability to Acknowledge Our Earliest Experiences & the Surprising Vista of Knowledge That Doing So Reveals”


D7V1 1/3
Read 118 tweets
Nov 24th 2022
1) Litentry $LIT @litentry

Decentralized identity aggregation platform that enables users to create a unique identity.

Litentry allows creation of a DID – ‘Decentralized Identifiers’.

Litentry has created an Identity Hub that includes a solution called My Crypto Profile – MCP. Image
2) Litentry $LIT Founders

Founder of Litentry is Hanwen Cheng.

He was the vice president of Jingtum blockchain and spearheaded business partnerships alongside directing ecosystem projects of Jingtum.

#LIT #litentry #identity #blockchain #cryptocurrencies
3) Litentry $LIT How does @litentry work?

The solution offered by Litentry is split into two phases.

The first one is Litmus on the Kusama chain and the second is Litentry on the Polkadot parachain.

#LIT #litentry #identity #blockchain #cryptocurrencies #PolkaDot
Read 8 tweets
Nov 18th 2022
This thread begins the book,

“Dance of the Seven Veils I:

“Primal/Identity Psychology, Mythology, & Your Real Self

“Adult to Toddler, Veils One-Three”

Which is Volume 2 in The Path of Ecstasy Series


READ BOOK>… #psychology

D7V1 Pr/1
Starting with the PREFACE, titled,

“A Dance of the Seven Veils:

“The Secret Life of Stones, Womb with a View, Cells with a View, Overview...the Quest for Our “Original Face””

THREAD… #psychology #identity #primal #anthropology #consciousness

D7V1 Pr/2
[Quotes/highlights:*] “…when the Veils across perception are pulled to the side, everything appears as it is...infinite.” []

READ/DWL BOOK… #psychology #identity #primal #anthropology #consciousness #PrimalScene #spirituality #shamanic #anthro

D7V1 Pr/3
Read 163 tweets
Nov 18th 2022
Table of Contents for

“Dance of the Seven Veils I:

“Primal/Identity Psychology, Mythology, & Your Real Self

“*Adult to Toddler, Veils One-Three*"

From The Path of Ecstasy Series, Volume 2


READ BOOK>… #psychology #identity

D7V1 FM/1
*Dance of the Seven Veils I: Primal/Identity Psychology, Mythology, & Your Real Self* is now available to all on my blog & it can be downloaded as a pdf file, with my compliments. Click links.

READ BOOK… #psychology #identity #primal #anthro

D7V1 FM/2
Dedication, *Dance of the Seven Veils I*:

“For Hermann Hesse, the one who saw.

“For Arthur Janov, the one who told us.

“And for Colleen, who was there.”

READ/DWL BOOK… #psychology #identity #primal #anthropology #consciousness #PrimalScene

D7V1 FM/3
Read 59 tweets
Nov 14th 2022
Table of Contents for

“Dance of the Seven Veils I:

“Primal/Identity Psychology, Mythology, & Your Real Self
“*Adult to Toddler, Veils One-Three*

From The Path of Ecstasy Series, Vol. 2


READ &/or dwnld BOOK free AT SITE...…

D7V1 FM/1
*Dance of the Seven Veils I: Primal/Identity Psychology, Mythology, & Your Real Self* is now available to all on my blog & it can be downloaded as a pdf file, with my compliments. Click links.

READ BOOK… #psychology #identity #primal #anthro

D7V1 FM/2
Dedication, *Dance of the Seven Veils I*:

“For Hermann Hesse, the one who saw.

“For Arthur Janov, the one who told us.

“And for Colleen, who was there.”

READ/DWL BOOK>… #psychology #identity #primal #anthropology #consciousness #PrimalScene

D7V1 FM/3
Read 57 tweets
Nov 10th 2022
I believe @DrMichaelLBrown kindly spoke on this issue #PaleoHebrew #DoctrineofDevils

If you’re diligently seeking YahWeh and discovering you have Hebrew Israelite and Jew ancestry,You may be confused + Spreading Egyptian HERESIES. 🛑Full video:…
Beloved brothers and sisters 2/3 photo is not hebrew but just scribbles.not the language Jesus or even Patriarch Abraham spoke. the Holy language is ANCIENT HEBREW AND ARAMAIC. Maybe Akkadian but they are dead languages…learn ANCIENT HEBREW @DrMichaelLBrown
Scripture to share-I’m not coming at anyone personally or calling you a fake Jew I’m just saying study to show thineself approved BY GOD and not to be apart of a movement
Read 23 tweets
Oct 26th 2022
1/29. 📜NEW BRIEF: Today we launch “PASSED THE POINT OF NO RETURN: A Non-Economic #LossAndDamage (#NELD) Explainer” covering what #NELD is, why and how it happens, where it happens, who is most affected, and importantly, how we can respond.

🔗Get it here:…
2/29. The brief begins with a foreword by @UNFCCC NELs Expert Group Member @IrfanUllahCDO, who highlights that Non-Economic #LossAndDamage has been largely overlooked in climate negotiations and that urgent action is needed to address #NELD happening now e.g. The #PakistanFloods.
3/29. Then @DLodry of @LossDamageYouth shares the powerful story of his lived experience of Non-Economic #LossAndDamage in #Cameroon called "The Tears Of A Village River And Its Population" which tells how climate-intensified #Drought can lead to a loss of #Culture and #Identity.
Read 29 tweets
Oct 24th 2022
Those of you who know my work on #privacy, #identity, and #HumanRights in #data these past 18 years - mostly through @NO2ID & @medConfidential, and in other areas besides - won't be surprised at my involvement in @WEDF_foundation.

This [Thread] is an invitation to join us...
...and help define what I believe is one of the most crucial discussions of our time; on the #personal, #civil, #political and #planetary consequences of the #world(s) we are building - and the #values we want to underpin them. Image
I spoke at last year's @WEDF_forum about '#Engineering for #Ethics', just a couple of months before the #GPDPR #GPdataGrab was announced in May.

My talk was an attempt to reflect on and draw lessons from my years of campaigning and work around #data...

Engineering for Ethics  Big...
Read 10 tweets
Oct 15th 2022

#RAILGUN is now open to ALL DeFi devs with Quickstart SDK, an open-source toolkit to add RAILGUN's advanced privacy system to your dApp.

It's written in TypeScript and compatible with node.js and web browsers.

🧵 on our RAILGUN Developer Guides

The Quickstart SDK is simple to integrate and only requires 100-200 lines of code for complete #privacy integration into any new or existing #dApp.

DeFi devs can now add RAILGUN's full privacy feature suite across @ethereum, @BNBCHAIN and @0xPolygon dApps:

- Shield any and all ERC20s (NFTs soon) into a Private Balance
- Maintain a Private Balance
- Send tokens privately
- Use a Private Balance with ANY smart contract
Read 14 tweets
Oct 12th 2022
Let me tell you a little story.

It is #ISOTC307 #TC307 (eg, @LACChain)

Standards for blockchain #interoperability among other working groups, #identity, #terminology, use cases etc.…

$Qnt #ISO20022 ImageImageImageImage
Here's a quick video from the @BIS_org

The blueprint for Project Nexus.

Incase you've been asleep, these projects are coordinated from BIS innovation hubs, #BISIH.

Nexus uses #APIGateways to achieve these connections.

$Qnt. Image
Read 6 tweets
Oct 11th 2022
There's this little old token called $Cheq


It's very well hidden down the bottom of #CMC, and also not captured the full attention of the #Cosmos #CosmosEcosystem yet. @cosmos @CosmosClub_ @cosmoshub @cosmosibc.

Let's learn a little about its position in #identity👇 Image
Let's begin with the Co-creators of @cheqd_io $Cheq, @evernym (now @Avast)

"We’re the creators of #Hyperledger #Indy and the #Sovrin Network, a co-creator of the #cheqd Network, and a primary contributor to Hyperledger #Aries and #Ursa"
Some more on @evernym,

We’re a co-editor of the Verifiable Credential spec at the @w3c, which was approved as an official recommendation in 2019 .. also a co-author and co-editor of the Decentralized Identifier spec .. a co-chair of W3C’s DID and VC WGs
Read 11 tweets
Sep 20th 2022
New to #Algorand? Check out all these videos to get you up to speed!

Heads up, this thread may be absurdly long!


🧵 1/ Image
Let’s start with #Algorand #DEX’s

@pact_fi interview:

@HumbleDefi interview:

@AlgodexOfficial interviews: ,

Older @HumbleDefi interview:

@algofiorg ⬇️
🧵 2/
Onto #Algorand #Lending protocols! (And @AlgoFoundation #defi governance options)

@FolksFinance interview:

@algofiorg interviews: ,

@algogard interview:


🧵 3/
Read 22 tweets
Aug 31st 2022
Just a reminder when focusing on #security for your #office365 and #azuread tenants one of the key attack vectors comes from your on-premises environment. If you have not read and implemented the guidance in you should & read this thread. 1/7 #identity
"Federated trust relationships, such as Security Assertions Markup Language (SAML) authentication,are used to authenticate to Microsoft 365 through your on-premises identity infrastructure.Ifa SAML token-signing certificate is compromised, federation allows anyone who has.."2/7
certificate to impersonate any user in your cloud.

We recommend that you disable federation trust relationships for authentication to Microsoft 365 when possible."
Read 14 tweets
Aug 28th 2022
I think theres a severe distrust issue amongst society probably from the growth of the internet and social media along side data violations beyond any users control

This doesnt mean the framework/ infrastructure is not trusted, its just in need of redesign

Enter #DID's $cheq
None of this is new or uncommon, or the entities and personnel within the #identity industry.

There is just no "#decentralised #crypto" celebrity status attached for #hypeeee

$Cheq @Tweetddale @NickyHickman11

In my humble opinion, there should be the similar chatter of the #satoshi paper of 2008, for the #approval and #recommendation from the @w3c on the first identifier since the #URL.

Welcome to the #DID.

The Decentralised Identifier.

Image courtesy of @evernym (@Avast)
Read 7 tweets

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