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Occultist Exposing the Hidden Hand of Government, Religious and Corporate Control / Astrologer - Publisher - Researcher #T3OccultAstrology #T3Edit

Sep 11, 2022, 5 tweets

Houthi Islam explains #The911Decption:
✅America Fabricated the Attack on the WTC
✅Evidence of Ties Between CIA and Al-Qaeda
Its an insult that our "enemies" are telling the truth here about the US #RomanCult Regime controlling the USA.

Controlled demolition as witnessed by not only civilians but journalists, #FDNY and #NYPD. Our own government not only played these brave people as fools but put them in harms way sending many to their peril.

American Airlines Flight 77
#1/ Boeing 757 / N644AA (155' length x 125' width)
#2/ Alleged Boeing 757 horizontal, less than 20' from ground, before impact.
#3/ Evidence based statistics
#4 Visual of impact location according to statistics

#JoeBack is confronted by Iraq war veterans.
"You sent us to kill civilians. You're disqualified!"
@WhiteHouse @POTUS @JoeBiden

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