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Sep 21, 2022, 12 tweets

They always say to "#DYOR"... But how exactly? πŸ˜•

Here are 9 must-have #crypto analysis tools to bring your trading game to the next level πŸ‘‡

1/ @DefiLlama
β€’ A multi-chain dashboard that tracks the most popular protocols by total value locked (TVL).
β€’ #TVL is one of the most critical metrics for assessing the popularity of a protocol.

2/ @DuneAnalytics
β€’ A community-driven data powerhouse that allows users to query the blockchain using SQL.
β€’ You can search for specific crypto projects, or browse trending projects.
β€’ How to use it:

3/ @coingecko
β€’ Independent data aggregator tracking over 12K cryptoassets across 500+ exchanges worldwide.
β€’ Other useful tools include: #NFT Floor Price tracker, Compare Coins Feature, and beginner-friendly articles to learn crypto.
β€’ How to use it:

4/ @nansen_ai
β€’ A blockchain data analytics platform that combines on-chain data with a database containing millions of wallet labels.
β€’ You can use it to track where funds are moving to, identify new projects, and trace transactions down to the most granular level.

5/ @glassnode
On-chain analytics platform with the following features:
β€’ Academy: Useful repository of explanations on critical metrics.
β€’ Studio: Access data including crypto exchange data, P&L ratios and miner data.
β€’ Insights: Reports & analyses by their internal team.

6/ @RugDocIO
β€’ RugDoc audits code to ensure the safety of blockchain protocols.
β€’ You can receive an audit for a protocol you're interested in by submitting a request to the team. This is a useful tool for crypto users who are unable to read smart contracts.

7/ @AlphadayHQ
β€’ All-in-one dashboard to stay up-to-date with all things crypto.
β€’ You can keep track of your portfolio, news, Crypto Twitter, protocols by TVL, calendar of important dates, market sentiment analysis, and moreβ€”all in a single dashboard.

8/ @DeBankDeFi
β€’ A #DeFi dashboard that tracks over 1.4K protocols.
β€’ Simply connect your wallet to get an overview of your portfolio, NFTs and trade history.

9/ @GeckoTerminal by @coingecko
β€’ New charting tool that supports more than 50 chains, 300 DEXs, and >1M tokens.
β€’ Apart from your standard charting tools, you also get to view the token's on-chain activity (i.e. when and what amount the token was purchased).

10/ Want to dive deeper on how each tool work and how to use them? Read the full listicle here ⬇️

RT if you found this list useful πŸ™Œ Let us know what you want to learn next!

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