Yorke E. Rhodes III Profile picture
Blend of CTO, CMO and Creative Innovator, embracing shiny new objects before they shine. Currently down the #blockchain #crypto #defi #nft rabbit hole.

Sep 22, 2022, 6 tweets

#Mainnet2022 announcement alert @twobitidiot

Colleagues in @MSFTResearch published this #ethereum #evm #blockchain scaling research

Net/net 6x speed increase of EVM execution ...


Tested live #Ethereum Mainnet transactions, so it's based on real data, not synthetic data & achieved 6x improvement in execution time

No changes required to #ethereum consensus ...

Forerunner architecture for speculative transaction execution on #ethereum

Credit to @MSFTResearch for this work, which can be found in the open source @github repo github.com/microsoft/Fore…

And some acknowledgements, including Sarah Meiklejohn

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