Ahmed Quraishi Profile picture
Journalist. National security & human rights MENA. War correspondent: Lebanon 2006, Iraq 1995-2003. Iran. Afg. Pakistan. Ex blue tick. Views strictly personal.

Sep 22, 2022, 6 tweets

Unbelievable scenes from #Tehran: a woman standing on a car, wearing western clothes, takes off her hijab and waves it in defiance at #Iran's religious police.

#MahsaAmini #IranProtests2022

I could not watch the terror on their faces. Amazing courage by these Iranian men and women as #Iran security forces chase them into a residential building stairway then try to get in. These brave souls are out for #MahsaAmini, 22, killed by hijab police:

This lone Iranian woman at the beginning of the video joining men in turning #Iran police car upside down. Other women join in moments later.

#MahsaAmini #IranProtests2022

Iranians remove a government religious banner in #Tehran on 30 September. The murder of #MahsaAmini, 22, by hijab police rocks #Iran.

#IranProtests2022 #مهسا_امینی

Large poster of #IRGC Gen Qasem #Soleimani and #Iran's proxy in #Iraq Abu Mahdi Al-Muhandis taken down by Iranians in #Kerman, the 10th largest city in Iran.

#MahsaAmini #IranProtests2022

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