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Tweets abouth Ukraine war, editing (slowmo freezing sharpening coloring) videos and posts about the war in Ukraine since 24.02.2022.

Oct 3, 2022, 5 tweets

Freed from captivity, the heroes of "Azovstal" finally met their families in Turkey

#Azov #AzovstALL #Turkey #Ukraine

Freed from captivity, the heroes of "Azovstal" finally met their families in Turkey

#Azov #AzovstALL #Turkey #Ukraine

Freed from captivity, the heroes of "Azovstal" finally met their families in Turkey

#Azov #AzovstALL #Turkey #Ukraine

Freed from captivity, the heroes of "Azovstal" finally met their families in Turkey

#Azov #AzovstALL #Turkey #Ukraine

Freed from captivity, the heroes of "Azovstal" finally met their families in Turkey

#Azov #AzovstALL #Turkey #Ukraine

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