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Physiologist interested in human fuel use #nutrition | #exercise | #carbohydrate | #metabolism | #cycling | #science https://t.co/0sKS5pZ25R

Oct 11, 2022, 8 tweets

Do doses of fat respond the same way as glucose?

A 🧵 1/8

#metabolism #fat #nutrition #diet

This time, the measure of interest is the level of fat in the blood (triacylglycerol; aka TAG)

When fasted, levels of TAG are low (left)

High levels of TAG make the plasma part of blood look cloudy/turgid (right)


In contrast to glucose, the more fat eaten in a meal, the higher the level of TAG

Does the type of fat matter?


Not really, most fats show a similar response.

What about if we increase intake of all macronutrients?


In this study by @AaronHengist people ate pizza 🍕 until comfortably full, or ate as much as they could tolerate



TAG levels were slightly higher when eating maximally, but less that would be expected given the doubling of fat intake.

Why so?


The additional carbs and protein stimulated insulin secretion (fat has little effect on insulin secretion).

Why is this relevant?


Insulin plays a key role in fat metabolism by:

1) suppressing fatty acid availability to the liver (precursors for TAG released by the liver as VLDL)

2) directly suppressing VLDL secretion

3) stimulating clearance of TAG by adipose tissue (by stimulating LPL)

End 8/8

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