Do watch.
Dr. Vinh, Infectious Disease & Medical Microbiologist, McGill University: “I’m a bit surprised that at this stage of the pandemic we keep focusing only on the number of patients hospitalized with #COVID… 1/17…
"Who takes care of those hospitalized patients? Healthcare workers. So the corresponding metric would be what is going on with healthcare workers. That metric is very important. It’s not necessarily the number of patients, it’s can we take care of them?” 2/17
In week prior to BC Covid Update on Sept. 28 @adriandix stated 15,054 healthcare workers were off sick. 5-6,000 > than normal.
Who protects BC healthcare workers' health & ensures their safety at work? Who said it was Ok for healthcare workers to get reinfected with each wave? 3/
What can we learn from Australia? More than 4,000 healthcare workers were infected during the second wave of #COVID in 2020. What did investigations reveal? 4/17
An audit of Victorian (Australia) hospitals' ventilation was commissioned by the government. 8/17
What will BC Public Health leaders do to protect our healthcare workers, beyond reviewing their Work Safe BC claims? 10/17
Will BC Public Health leaders and @CDCofBC simply publish another study documenting the number of workers infected over time because of their failure to act and protect them. #LongCovid #CollapsedHealthcare 13/17
Make no mistake, "conditions of work are the conditions of care." If BC healthcare workers are not protected from acquiring #COVID in hospitals, clinics and LTC, neither are patients in these healthcare settings. 14/17
Science already exists as to how to make hospitals, LTC and other healthcare settings #COVID safe to protect healthcare workers and patients.
Below is one of many such studies published. 15/17
Time to ditch healthcare workers Point of Care Risk Assessment. It does not work when infectious #COVID patients can have no symptoms. It does not work when SARS-CoV-2 spreads like cigarette smoke. #Ventilation #CleanAir 16/17
BC Public Health leaders, @CDCofBC and #bcpoli are choosing not to follow the science and not to make hospitals, LTC and other healthcare settings #COVID safe. They are choosing not to protect healthcare workers, patients, their families and communities.
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