Nat’s Pancreas 404 🦋 Profile picture
T1D circa 1983 | Empowered by the #DOC #WeAreNotWaiting #LanguageMatters #NothingAboutUsWithoutUs #InsulinConsensus | #dedoc°voice | Own views - She/Her

Oct 16, 2022, 8 tweets

@lifeforachild /@ispad_org survey - shifting responsibility:
'I am an advocate because I believe that evidence should be made accessible to every stakeholder.'
-Emma Klatman ❤️

#ISPAD #ISPAD2022 #dedoc°voices #NothingAboutUsWithoutUs #payitforward @dedocORG 1/n

@lifeforachild /@ispad_org survey - shifting responsibility:
'Task-shifting & task-sharing: moving a task on from one #HCP to another & where staff from different discipline split the tasks. We are very interested in task-shifting in #T1D'
-Emma Klatman ❤️

ISPAD2022 #dedoc° 2/n

@lifeforachild /@ispad_org survey - shifting responsibility:
'We want to document the level of task-shifting and understand who from the clinical team is doing what. We established en survey in 2021 in many languages.'
-Emma Klatman ❤️

#ISPAD #ISPAD2022 #dedoc° @dedocORG 3/n

@lifeforachild /@ispad_org survey - shifting responsibility:
✅ 83 countries
✅ 260 responses
✅ Mostly doctors from government hospitals returning the survey
-Emma Klatman ❤️

#ISPAD #ISPAD2022 #dedoc°voices #NothingAboutUsWithoutUs #payitforward @dedocORG 4/n

@lifeforachild /@ispad_org survey - shifting responsibility:
▶️ Doctors doing most of the tasks
▶️ Some countries shown more shifting patterns 👇
▶️ Education still doctor led
▶️ Dieticians have + role than nurses in Latin America

#ISPAD #ISPAD2022 #dedoc° @dedocORG 5/n

@lifeforachild /@ispad_org survey - shifting responsibility:

Key takeaways:
✅ Nurses can add value
✅ Doctors have less burden
✅ People living with #diabetes have a better care

#ISPAD #ISPAD2022 #dedoc° @dedocORG 6/n

Thank you Emma 🙏

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