Alastair Thompson Profile picture
Climate, Conflict, Politics, Africa. Editor (NZ) Reporting from France. #nzpol #DesertRain

Oct 16, 2022, 8 tweets

#ExremeWeather #ClimateChange continuing event coverage initiation.

Vietnam has just seen landfall of a huge Tropical Storm - and now three more cyclones are forecast to follow the same path. The first being #Nemeng. Another slow wet giant storm.

Yesterday Typhoon #Sonca made landfall in Vietnam as a Tropical Storm - the 25th named storm of 2022. #Sonca was a huge slow moving wet behemoth like #Ian and #Julia (ATL). This characteristic has been a pattern with many post equinox nth. hemisphere storms.

#Sonca has also reportedly caused 4 fatalities already - but the event has only just finished.

But what is inthe forecast is potentially a lot worse for the Gulf of Tonkin area. The GFS long range model is forecasting two more tropical storms/typhoons to follow the same path as #Neneng #NenengPH aka #Nesat

The animation above shows 16 days of IWVT (Integrated Water Vapour Transport) this animation shows the raw Precipitatable data forecast.

IMPORTANT QUALIFICATION: Beyond five days simulation accuracy is not that great in complex situations like this involving massive amounts of atmospheric water - and the 2nd two storms at present exist only in the model at the moment & could take different paths or not form.

However the situation does look very dangerous - and deserves a close watch. The second and third storms are currently expected to be forming around the time that #NenangPH/#NenengPH/#Nesat is making landall in Vietnam on October 24.

This is the latest rainfall solution from the @NOAA GFS3 model.

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