Igor Kyivskyi Profile picture
Now about the war in Ukraine and events in the world.

Oct 16, 2022, 10 tweets

Archive video shot with the help of a drone by the defenders of Mariupol. Which shows very well how Russian fascists shoot a residential building from a tank at point-blank range.


Mariupol (first months of the war)

Drama theater where people and children were hiding. This Theater, Russian fascists bombed with air bombs, despite the huge inscriptions "children". Killing hundreds of people.

People didn't even have time to bury humanly. Many people were buried right next to the house. Many unnamed. And this is only one Mariupol. Now he is still under occupation. And it's even hard to imagine how many thousands of people died there twitter.com/i/web/status/1…

This is how Mariupol was before the arrival of the russian fascists. And what did he become after them...

Hiroshima, 1945. Mariupol, 2022 The power of shells fired by the Russian occupiers in Mariupol in TNT equivalent exceeds the power of a nuclear bomb dropped during World War II on a Japanese city. And it's only Mariupol.


2015 - when Ukraine repulsed attempts by separatists and mercenaries of the Russian Federation

2020 - a city Ukraine.

2022 -The city after the Russian occupiers

Fascists are 1941.

and fascists of the russian 2022.

#RussiaTerroristState #RussiaIsANaziState

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