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Veränderung beginnt bei einem selbst mit offenen Dialogen, Hinterfragen & Verstehen Tweets sind im Zweifel Satire Führe Dialoge gerade auch mit Andersdenkenden!

Nov 9, 2022, 18 tweets

The USA is and remains an oligarchy. The US-Americans live under the rule of the ruling US-class of the very big fortunes.
The election staging every 2 years and permanent wars are just to keep distracting from that.
#Midterms2022 #Republicans

The US/NATO proxy war in Ukraine against Russia will be lost. Not because Ukrainians are running out of weapons, but because Western Ukrainians and mercenaries are. With a Republican victory, the US government can sell its about-face in the Ukraine war #Midterms2022

and demand negotiations with Russia before they lose western Ukraine as well.
Democrats and Republicans differ only in outward appearance to the inside, one pseudo-left woke, the other conservative and nationalist. #Midterms2022 #Republicans

Spot the difference
#Midterms2022 #Republicans #Democrats

The conflict in Ukraine is precipitating the end of Western domination

"The Ukrainian conflict, presented as a Russian aggression, is only the implementation of the Security Council resolution 2202 of February 17, 2015. If France and Germany did not keep their commitments during the Minsk II Agreement, ...

Russia prepared itself for seven years for the current confrontation. It had foreseen the Western sanctions well in advance and needed only two months to circumvent them. These sanctions disrupt US globalization, disrupt Western economies by breaking supply chains, ...

causing dollars to flow back to Washington and causing general inflation, and creating energetics in the West. The United States and its allies are in the position of being the hosers hosed: they are digging their own grave.

Meanwhile, the Russian Treasury’s revenues have increased by 32% in six months."

To this the thread 👇

The electoral theater to distract the ruled masses from their rulers, from the oligarchy, from the rule of the U.S. ruling class of the very large fortunes

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