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Independent Scientific Organization and provider of real-time earthquake info https://t.co/kaF7Ac0luC Get the app : https://t.co/VRKgoE3hxF

Nov 20, 2022, 19 tweets

#Earthquake (#terremoto) possibly felt 34 sec ago in #Italy. Felt it? Tell us via:
⚠ Automatic crowdsourced detection, not seismically verified yet. More info soon!

👉#Ancona (ora locale 06:21:20). Hai avvertito il terremoto? Condividi la tua esperienza:

Le tue osservazioni aiutano a comprendere gli effetti del terremoto.🙏

⚠Preliminary info: #earthquake (#terremoto) about 10 km E of #Rimini (#Italy) 2 min ago (local time 06:20:27)❗MAGNITUDE NOT AVAILABLE YET❗Updates at:

#Earthquake (#terremoto) confirmed by seismic data.⚠Preliminary info: M5.0 || 60 km E of #Rimini (#Italy) || 3 min ago (local time 06:20:32). Follow the thread for the updates👇

Scarica l’app gratuita LastQuake per info terremoti in tempo reale! Condividi la tua esperienza e leggi quella degli altri:

🔔#Earthquake (#terremoto) M4.5 occurred 54 km E of #Rimini (#Italy) 4 min ago (local time 06:20:31). More info at:

#Earthquake 55 km E of #Rimini (#Italy) 6 min ago (local time 06:20:31). Colored dots represent local shaking & damage level reported by eyewitnesses. Share your experience:

❓ Magnitude = Intensity? Nope! An #earthquake has only ONE value of magnitude but SEVERAL values of intensity, which can vary from place to place. In particular, the intensity decreases as we get away from the #earthquake👇

🔎 Map of background focal mechanisms:

Earthquakes may happen anytime: what to do during the shaking?
🠪 INSIDE: take shelter, keep away from windows.
🠪 OUTSIDE: stay away from anything that might collapse (bridges, roofs, electrical wires).

Following the #earthquake (#terremoto) M4.5 occurred 55 km E of #Rimini (#Italy) 16 min ago (local time 06:20:31). More info at the links provided below👇

France (CENALT): info-tsunami.fr
Greece (NOA): gein.noa.gr/en/
Turkey (KOERI): koeri.boun.edu.tr/sismo/2/en/
Italy (INGV): terremoti.ingv.it/it/
Portugal (IPMA): ipma.pt/en/index.html

ℹEvent wrap-up: today a M4.6 #earthquake (#terremoto) hit #Fano (#Italy) at 06:20:31 local time (UTC 05:20:31). Shaking was felt over 200km by approximately 3M people in Italy and Croatia.

ℹ Aftershocks may occur in the next hours/days. Unless it is necessary, stay away from damaged areas for your safety 🙏 Be careful and follow national authorities' information.

🗨Eyewitnesses are saying: 'Bed and windows were shaking, it woke us up[…]' Felt the #earthquake too? Share your experience and read others' at:

🔎 Regional instrumental seismicity in Adriatic Sea. The colored dots represent the #earthquakes that have struck the region [using @ISCseism catalog -1960 to 2020- and @EMSC data -from 2021 onwards]:

🔎 Deadliest #earthquakes that occurred in recent years within 300km of #Fano (#Italy): 06/04/2009 a M6.3 led to 309 casualties, 24/08/2016 a M6.2 led to 299 casualties, and on 29/06/1919 a M6.3 led to 100 casualties.

"Earthquakes do their best to be as unpredictable as possible" - Watch this video from @geosociety where seismologist Ross Stein explains why #earthquakes cannot be predicted at present👇

‼ No further info about this #earthquake will be displayed here. Find more at:

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