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Oil Change International campaigns to expose the true costs of fossil fuels and facilitate the ongoing transition towards clean energy.

Nov 20, 2022, 7 tweets

“In a crucial year, this COP made NO progress towards the just + equitable phase-out of fossil fuels we so desperately need.”

@esbast on why #COP27’s outcome was deeply problematic despite key progress on #LossAndDamage.

Full response from our experts: priceofoil.org/2022/11/20/cop…

The most important advances at #COP27 happened outside the official UNFCCC process, where our movement for climate justice grows stronger everyday.

Initiatives like @beyondoilgas, the Glasgow Statement on Public Finance, @mpsfossilfree, @fossiltreaty + more are leading the way.

“Throughout #COP27, civil society has demanded we #PhaseOutFossils & called for rich countries to pay up for climate debt. People power will force an equitable end to fossil fuels + just transition to renewable energy.”

– Executive Director @esbast

“Countries at #COP27 failed to agree to an equitable wind-down of fossil fuels — the first step in protecting our climate + communities. We won’t stop fighting until we achieve climate justice for Global South communities.”

– Africa Director & Global South Advisor @ThuliMakama

“The only safe way to limit warming to 1.5ºC is to equitably #PhaseOutFossils. Instead we risk a massive surge of new oil + gas production. #COP27 failed to call for an equitable phase out of oil, gas + coal, but momentum is growing.”

– Global Industry Campaign Manager @Davidxvx

“While it was good to hear calls for a global effort to #PhaseOutFossils at #COP27, the U.S. is leading the world in expanding oil + gas production. Biden must use executive powers to block fossil fuel projects + declare a #ClimateEmergency.”

– U.S. Campaign Manager @collinrees

“To protect lives, governments must #StopFundingFossils & halt investments in oil, gas + coal. A growing list aren’t waiting — at #COP27, France, Finland + Sweden presented policies to end overseas public finance for fossil fuels.”

– Public Finance Campaign Manager @LaurievdBurg

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