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Nov 22, 2022, 8 tweets

#Earthquake confirmed by seismic data.⚠Preliminary info: M7.2 || 60 km SW of #Honiara (Solomon Islands) || 9 min ago (local time 13:03:08). Follow the thread for the updates👇

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Depending on #earthquake-coastline distance, #tsunamis can be local (<100km), regional (<1000km), or distant (>1000km). Be ready to follow national authorities' directives. Follow the situation at the links provided below👇

US (PTWC): tsunami.gov
JAPAN (NWPTAC): data.jma.go.jp/svd/eqev/data/…

Following the #earthquake M7.2 occurred 61 km SW of #Honiara (Solomon Islands) 13 min ago (local time 13:03:07). Move away from the coast and reach a higher place. Follow national authorities' directives. Updates at the links provided below👇

US (PTWC): tsunami.gov
JAPAN (NWPTAC): data.jma.go.jp/svd/eqev/data/…

🔔#Earthquake M7.0 occurred 54 km SW of #Honiara (Solomon Islands) 26 min ago (local time 13:03:08). More info at:

‼ No further info about this #earthquake will be displayed here. Find more at:

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