#Earthquake confirmed by seismic data.⚠Preliminary info: M7.2 || 60 km SW of #Honiara (Solomon Islands) || 9 min ago (local time 13:03:08). Follow the thread for the updates👇
Depending on #earthquake-coastline distance, #tsunamis can be local (<100km), regional (<1000km), or distant (>1000km). Be ready to follow national authorities' directives. Follow the situation at the links provided below👇
Following the #earthquake M7.2 occurred 61 km SW of #Honiara (Solomon Islands) 13 min ago (local time 13:03:07). Move away from the coast and reach a higher place. Follow national authorities' directives. Updates at the links provided below👇
#Earthquake (#sismo) possibly felt 36 sec ago in #NewJersey. Felt it? Tell us via:
⚠ Automatic crowdsourced detection, not seismically verified yet. More info soon! emsc-csem.org/lastquake/how_… m.emsc.eu emsc-csem.org
⚠Preliminary info: #earthquake (#sismo) about 20 mi W of #Parsippany (New Jersey) 1 min ago (local time 17:59:11)❗MAGNITUDE NOT AVAILABLE YET❗Updates at:
🖥 emsc-csem.org/lastquake/how_… m.emsc.eu emsc-csem.org
#Earthquake (#terremoto) possibly felt 24 sec ago in #Italy. Felt it? Tell us via:
⚠ Automatic crowdsourced detection, not seismically verified yet. More info soon! emsc-csem.org/lastquake/how_… m.emsc.eu emsc-csem.org
👉#Macerata (ora locale 17:18:30). Hai avvertito il terremoto? Condividi la tua esperienza:
Le tue osservazioni aiutano a comprendere gli effetti del terremoto.🙏m.emsc.eu
⚠Preliminary info: #earthquake (#terremoto) about 10 km SE of San Benedetto del Tronto (#Italy) 1 min ago (local time 17:17:48)❗MAGNITUDE NOT AVAILABLE YET❗Updates at:
🖥 emsc-csem.org/lastquake/how_… m.emsc.eu emsc-csem.org
En bref, séisme de M4.9 entre Niort et La Rochelle. Pas de dégâts significatifs attendus. Bien ressenti jusqu'à 200km et plus faiblement jusqu'à 400 km environ
En moyenne a proximité de l'épicentre la secousse e pu faire tomber des objets, mais rien de très sérieux. 1/n
Des répliques dans les prochaines heures et jours pourraient être ressenties.
En conclusion c'est une bonne occasion de se demander si on est préparé pour un séisme plus fort. Sauriez vous comment réagir? Que faire si ca se passe alors que les enfants sont à l'école? ... 2/n
que puis je faire pour préparer ma maison?
Alors vos idées?
Eyewitnesses reported shaking in #Morocco 8 min ago (local time 17:54:32)⚠
At present, we have no seismic data confirming this crowdsourced detection.❗
More info soon!