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Nov 27, 2022, 7 tweets

Good Night Oppy (Prime) is a beautiful documentary directed by Ryan White, combining archive footage, new interviews and a magnificent vision of Mars by the wizards of @ILMVFX
The story of Opportunity, which was supposed to last 90 sols but lasted 5,352, is thrilling and...

@ILMVFX ...and sometimes even moving.

Because we quickly understand why engineers and scientists have considered her a member of the family, and at the end of the film, Oppy quickly joins the pantheon of cinema robots. Except that she existed and is still alone on Mars.

@ILMVFX The documentary highlights not only the technical exploit but also the scientific one, especially what Oppy and her twin Spirit brought to science and knowledge.
A film not to be missed!

#oppy #opportunity #science #nasa #rover #ilm #mars

@ILMVFX Nice work @ryanwhiteIV

@ILMVFX @ryanwhiteIV Don't worry, there are a lot of spaceships lol

@ILMVFX @ryanwhiteIV And what is very touching, too, is that young people passionate about the arrival of the rovers on Mars in 2004 were working on the same mission a decade later.

Nice movie for an awesome story (with some tense scenes).

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