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Inching today, with giants of tomorrow

Nov 29, 2022, 10 tweets

We’ve just covered the tech behind @Aptos_Network on @TheOasisLabs.

Check it out if you would like to learn more about what makes #Aptos tick! ⏰

Today we're gonna take a look into the Tokenomics of Aptos!

Read below to learn more 🧵👇🏻

#Web3 #Aptoscommunity $APT

1/ If you haven't heard of Aptos here's a quick run-down!

Aptos is a Proof of Stake-based Layer 1 blockchain founded by ex-Meta members, Mo Sheikh and Avery Ching.

The blockchain was created to solve scalability issues, security issues, and maintain decentralization.

2/ Let’s jump right into the tokenomics

Their initial supply is 1 billion $APT tokens at TGE and are divided accordingly into each segment.

With that as a base let’s look a little deeper into each segment and overall token distribution.

3/ Community & Foundation
Despite stating that 51.02% of the tokens will be allocated to the Community a majority of the $APT tokens (410,217,359.767) will be held by the Foundation with a small portion being held by Aptos Labs (100,000,000).

4/ The Aptos team mentioned that this pool of tokens is designated for the building of the ecosystem, grants, incentives, and community growth.

These tokens are anticipated to be released over a course of 10 years.

The initial distribution tokens will be as follows:

5/ Core Contributors & Investors

We can see from the table above both investors and contributors are subject to a 4-year lock-up schedule. This does not include staking rewards.

In terms of the token distribution for this segment here are a few things to note :

6/ Aptos Staking (Investors + Core)

Up to this point, we know the tokens are locked for 4 years.

However, these locked tokens are also staked, to date 82% of the token supply is currently staked.

Staking generates 7 % p.a and is reduced by 1.5 % p.a till a base rate of 3.5 %.

7/ Distribution Schedule

We've covered the basics, but how about the distribution schedule?

This graph shows the token release according to each segment.

One thing we can deduce is that $APT seems to be inflationary with no information on a token cap announced.

8/ Key Takeaways

1.The ideal time to consider getting in would be after Nov 2023 (after first unlock)

2. The yield earned from staking $APT is unlocked and can be sold at any time by investors + core.

3. $APT could become hyper-inflationary (no limit announced)


9/ There you have it!

Thank you for reading till the end! 🙏🏻

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Want to learn more about the tech behind @Aptos_Network?

Check out this thread by @TheOasisLabs

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