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Dec 5, 2022, 6 tweets

Are #fruits essential?
Sugar Bombs: I believed in & practiced "An Apple a day" idiom for couple decades. However stopped few years back. Most med sized fruits like banana, apple, orange, pear that we consume provide 22-25 gms of #Fructose, that is 5 teaspoons of Sugar. Huge!

Fruits're similar to alcohol: Fructose is metabolized in liver (not small intestine). It doesn't provide any energy to the body/brain, so Liver has to convert & store the same as Fat : similar to alcohol. Fructose leads to fatty liver syndrome otherwise caused by alcohol

Fruits have changed over years: They've been made lot more sweeter & altered its structure (smaller or no seeds, more sugary pulp). Also too many chemicals used from seed to market including very long shipping & storage. By the time it reaches your plate, it's no more fresh!

Fruits are non-essential : Most green veggies, beans, lentils, nuts, eggs, dairy products have all the #micronutrients fruits have, and even in larger proportions. Eat more of those foods instead of fruits

Fructose & health : Excess fructose can lead to many metabolic & other conditions, so better to avoid / minimize fruits

#Berries, #avocados, #coconut, unripe versions of fruits are better to consume instead of most of the fruits

#unlearn #monktize #eatRight

Not just fruits, the table sugar has 50% fructose so thats the 1st thing to be avoided / minimized

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