Simon Pierre Gahamanyi Profile picture

Dec 11, 2022, 9 tweets

1)The term #Rwandaphone doesn't exist unless in #Congo there is a place called #Rwanda. Kinya-Rwanda is not a primary language spoken by a tribe called Banyarwanda,but kinyarwanda language was named after a place. Rwanda borrowed that language from an unknown bantu language!

2)In Tanzania,the province of Kigoma,that place is known as #Buha,they speak #Kiha.In Burundi they speak Kirundi,all these languages are mutually intelligible.Kigoma is larger than Rwanda with a 2 million population. It is said among #waha the Tutsi are 2%!Are they Rwandaphones?

3)In Uganda,the district of Kisoro,a place is known as #Bufumbira, they speak kifumbira but the language is mutually intelligible with Kinyarwanda,Kirundi,Kiha & Kihangaza(🇹🇿 )!They don't speak Kinyarwanda because they are not from Rwanda!These languages differ only by accent!

4)In Masisi, Rutshuru, Mulenge.... people living here like the same way in Burundi, Uganda and Tanzania, languages spoken in these territory are named after where they live. #Kinyabwisha,#Kinyamulenge, #Kihutu...etc #Kihutu only is named after a tribe!

5)In Rwanda they don't speak kihutu though they have Hutu people,but in Congo they say they speak #Kihutu. In Rwanda, generally kinyarwanda is spoken by all. Our first time to hear about kihutu was from Congolese Hutu and Tutsi alike. But who are we to know better than them?

6)Although in Rwanda,kinyarwanda is spoken by all,each region has its own accent until now,and before the #Red #painted #territory on the map invaded the rest,some spoke Kigoyi,Kinyendunga,Kinyagisaka, kirera...each territory with its own language but yet mutually intelligible!

7)Now #Rwanda after realizing these,they invented the term #Rwandaphone to claim the Congolese land.Because according to the culture a language is named after a place,meaning if in Congo they speak kinyarwanda in that territory,it proves there is another Rwanda there in Congo!

8)So are #M23 #Congolese? Those are #Rwandans who take advantage of the similarity of these languages to bring confusion to get a way to invade a sovereign country!They take some few Congolese in their army,to fool people,but in reality it's the Rwandan army,#RDF!

This is the vice president of Tanzania,Philip Mpango,a mha from Kigoma! Look at their dance and language very similar to Burundians and Rwandans!But as #Baha are Tanzanians and should not be mistaken as Rwandans and Rwanda should not invade Tanzania to defend them!

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