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Dec 11th 2022
1)The term #Rwandaphone doesn't exist unless in #Congo there is a place called #Rwanda. Kinya-Rwanda is not a primary language spoken by a tribe called Banyarwanda,but kinyarwanda language was named after a place. Rwanda borrowed that language from an unknown bantu language!
2)In Tanzania,the province of Kigoma,that place is known as #Buha,they speak #Kiha.In Burundi they speak Kirundi,all these languages are mutually intelligible.Kigoma is larger than Rwanda with a 2 million population. It is said among #waha the Tutsi are 2%!Are they Rwandaphones?
3)In Uganda,the district of Kisoro,a place is known as #Bufumbira, they speak kifumbira but the language is mutually intelligible with Kinyarwanda,Kirundi,Kiha & Kihangaza(🇹🇿 )!They don't speak Kinyarwanda because they are not from Rwanda!These languages differ only by accent!
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Feb 22nd 2021
Thousands around the world are taking part in a #TwitterStorm (12-1 pm EST) to protest the assault on the members of the #Baha'i religious minority in the village of #Ivel in northern Iran. Their houses and lands are being confiscated.

Say no to this! #ItsTheirland
The Iranian #Baha'is of #Ivel have the support of many in the international community, not least their Muslim brothers and sisters.

Canadian Council of Imams (@CCImams ) has came to their support:…

American Islamic Congress knows what discrimination looks like. Which is why it has come to support the Iranian #Baha'is of #Ivel and say no to the confiscation of their lands and property. They know that #ItsTheirLand…
Read 5 tweets
Jan 7th 2020
#Iran's Ayatollah Ali Khamenei stated in 2015 that "black people are oppressed, disrespected & humiliated" in the U.S. Hey all you flag-waving #American
#patriots, are you gonna let him get away with that!? Why not support #reparations to prove him wrong?…
And, yes, Khamenei is a hypocrite & has no moral authority to condemn the violent suppression of "minorities" when #Baha'is & other religious minorities in #Iran are systematically killed, jailed, excluded from society, denied passports, etc. But he ain't wrong about Black people
As #Twitterstorians and #BlkTwitterstorians know, it was this kind of geopolitical propaganda from the #USSR that shamed U.S. Cold War liberals into supporting the end of Jim Crow (long before U.S. popular opinion turned on this issue). #Reparations may come the same way. #AHA20
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Oct 25th 2019
#Iran arrests more #Baha’I followers
The Ministry of Intelligence told the state-run Mehr News Agency (MNA) in Fars province that the detainees had been holding a Baha'i ceremony to celebrate the birthday of one of their faith's primary figures,...…
#MEK order to overshadow the annual Shiite event known as Arbaeen. (Arbaeen marks the 40th day following the death of Shiite's third Imam in the 7th century, in the city of Karbala, in #Iraq.)...…
#Iranfreedom #freeiran #MEK #Iran
...This is a ridiculous assertion. A person peacefully celebrating their holy days does not stop others from doing the same for their religion...…
#Iranfreedom #freeiran #MEK #Iran
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