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The Environmental Justice Foundation exists to protect the natural world and defend our basic human right to a secure environment.

Dec 12, 2022, 5 tweets

Tomorrow the @EUCouncil will adopt a set of conclusions on international ocean governance and #DeepSeaMining.

Their decisions will shape the future of the #DeepSea.

EU Member States must stand against #DeepSeaMining to protect the world’s last true wilderness from harm.

We welcome @EUCouncil steps to support stronger regulations, higher environmental standards & a precautionary principle on potential future #DeepSeaMining.

But more ambitious targets & proper commitments are needed to #DefendTheDeep from those who want to destroy it for profit.

Surprisingly, the same @EUCouncil called for a more ambitious position on #DeepSeaMining in 2020.

Yet now #EU Member States want to cut back on ambition just as #COP15 talks on new global #biodiversity targets are underway.

This must not happen.

🇪🇸 has now criticised the @EUCouncil’s failure to align on a more ambitious position against #DeepSeaMining, particularly in fora like @ISBAHQ.

🇪🇸 wants to see an international halt on #DeepSeaMining until its effects on ocean ecosystems are fully known.

Other EU member states must join Spain by publicly denouncing #DeepSeaMining to help #ProtectOurOcean.

This is a golden opportunity to stop the destructive exploitation of our ocean before it begins.

We cannot afford to miss it.


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