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#태 to #꼭 : 好きだよ! – chaotic tk enthusiast ☆

Dec 21, 2022, 44 tweets

#taekookau where taehyung is jeongguk's fairy. only a few people are assigned with fairies that grant wishes and apparently, jeongguk, a ceo who already had everything was one of them.

-long au ( still not sure )
-ceo jk x fairy th
-is a work of pure fiction and characters are not affiliated with the face claims

tags !!
#taekookau #taekook #kookv #kookvau #vkook #vkookau

– when the time comes, fairies are sent to earth to fulfill missions. a fairy gets a master, they grant their master’s wishes until they are fully satisfied with their life. one thing they can’t wish for is to fall in love. but getting your own fairy is rare, some may consider

– fairies a myth, only those with hearts of gold are assigned one.

to our dear fairies, make no mistake for romance is forbidden with a mortal soul.

characters :

jeon jeongguk
-ceo of tk entertainment
-a workaholic
-loves to spoil his friends
-somewhat a crackhead (?)
-has literally everything but somehow he gets a visit from our dear taehyungie

characters :

kim taehyung
-a very cheerful and optimistic fairy
-loves loves loves granting wishes
-give him a strawberry and he'll give you the world
-very close with jimin, considers him as his other half
-very sensitive !
-treat him nice or jin will come for your neck

characters :

jeongguk's friends

kim namjoon
-co founder of tk entertainment
-makes music on the side with yoongi
-constantly tired of jk

min yoongi
-producer at tk entertainment
-is a big softie, has a calico cat
-is done with jk & nj's bullshit

characters :

jeongguk's friends part 2

jung hoseok
-is jk's secretary
-is a walking ball of sunshine
-tired of jk, nj and yg's bullshits
-keeps forcing jk to rest and or get a bf

characters :

taehyung's friends

kim seokjin
-one of the high ranking fairies and have granted wishes to a number of humans
-best cook best hyung
-will do anything to protect th and jm

park jimin
-taehyung's soulmate
-don't hurt th or he'll throw hands.

– drop ur thoughts on this so far, is it worth writing?

cc :

– who knew that in this cruel, twisted and dishonest world, fairies existed, pure hearted people existed.

to our dear mortals, beware, for bonds with the unnatural brings about nature's greatest consequences.

1. someone give hoseok a raise ..

2. our considerate ceo

3. jk, the boss everyone wants

4. hm?

5. taehyungie can't contain his excitement 🥺

– more updates tomorrow or later !! i'll be doing my best to finish my ongoing au,, for now drop your thoughts on my cc :D !!

6. tae gets appointed to his first human

7. interesting ?

8. 😃

9. d-day !

10. he really needs to stay put

11. he ..

12. selfless ggukie ☹️

13. jin 💀

14. jeongguk is bored

15. jeongguk gets a visitor

16. ☹️

– that's it for today :DD im actually enjoying updating this ekfkxkenfk anyways if anyone's still reading this please do drop your thoughts on my cc :>>

17. minnie is mad

18. normal ..

19. 💜

20. jeongguk 🤦

21. :>

– short update for today t__t drop ur thoughts on my cc :DD

22. cute>crazy

23. good job tae!

24. hm?

25. 🤥

26. tae might've forgot to mention one tinsie detail ..

27. meanwhile

28. later that night..

29. more curious tete

30. gguk loses tae ..

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