Nick Norwitz Profile picture
PhD @UniofOxford, MD student @Harvard. Metabolic health enthusiast. #LMHR #LEM researcher. Opinions are my own, but data are data. “Stay Curious” 🤓

Dec 23, 2022, 6 tweets

#Vegan🌱#keto (low sat fat, 0 cholesterol)
Meat and Egg heavy diet + 120g net carbs

N=1 Crossover experiment

Surprisingly, LDL >300 mg/dL on vegan keto and ~100 mg/dL on meat and egg plus carb diet 🤯

👉 If this doesn't make you curious, I don't get you

2/ This contradicts the explanation that sat fat is the primary driver of ⬆️ LDL on low-carb

While it may represent an outlier case (& sat fat may primarily drive⬆️LDL in others), that these lipid results can present in anyone requires an explanation beyond conventional wisdom

3/ 2022 has been a good year for study of the Lean Mass Hyper-Responder phenotype with 5 manuscripts published:

-Demonstrating presence of the phenotype

-Providing explanation in the form of the Lipid energy model #LEM

-Calling for further research

4/ Looking forward to 2023 and beyond, I am BEYOND excited to pursue further work to help better understand the "what" and "how" of LMHR!

We need to better classify the phenotype and untangle the mystery within the mechanism!

5/ Importantly this isn't an "us vs. them"

This is NOT about diet tribes, disproving the lipid heart hypothesis, etc. Not at all

This is about pursuing an open ? with implications for our understanding of lipidology & help direct patient care... wherever the data fall

6/ So, for now, all I have to ask is, "do you have a good explanation for these results in this patient?"

If not...


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