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A wife and mum | Content Writer| Contributor @DeetsAcademy | Tweets are informative, Not financial advice

Dec 29, 2022, 12 tweets

Zeus Swap Incentivized Testnet

On the last airdrop onboarding series I spoke about the @_zeus_swap swap

What does it entails? and how do we participate on the ongoing testnet which will be ending on the 31st of December
Lets go 🧵
@bloomstarbms @Abrahamchase09 @NDIDI_GRAM

Succintly, @Zeuswap is a concentrated liquidity protocol built on @MetisDAO , With the mission to enable capital-efficient trading via concentrated liquidity, while offering a better trading experience for traders and liquidity providers.
With zeus swap liquidity providers will

..have the liberty to select price range of choice as regards the swap fees they did be earning and also receive rewards in form of Nfts for the liquidity provided
Hmmm, Amazing!

Note: qualified participants will be rewarded in the form of an NFT and an Olympian role in discord.

First visit… and complete the task

The first task is to join the @_zeus_swap discord verify to be able to chat in the community

Second task is to follow on twitter, like and comment on the post

The third and last task is to “try out zeus swap”

First, add the metis gorlie testnet network faucet to be able to trade(frame-1)
Visit,… connect your wallet and add the network
Go to input your wallet address and click on ‘drip’ you will receive test tokens asap(farme-2)

Next is to explore the Swap
Go to and connect wallet
Next, click on the tokens you wish to swap. For this guide we will swap
$METIS -$USDC(Frame-4)

Now we provide liquidity
Go to

Click on the pool you prefer or you can also provide liquidity for all the pools as seen in Frame-1 since we had already swap metis to them

Click on $WETH-WMETIS pool-1
Choose swap fee range of choice to be earning-2 Input amount and the approve access for the contract to access your tokens-3
Click on preview and then click on supply and confirm the transaction in you wallet-4
That’s all do this for all other pools

To see your pools click on my pools as seen below-1

Next Remove Liquidity
Go to my pool, select the pool you want to remove liquidity-2
Select the amount you wish to remove either 25% or max-3
Click on preview and then approve transaction in your wallet.

Next,where you have your wallet connected tap on it-1

you will see all the transaction history you did earlier-2

Take a screenshot of it and summit on the crew3 task.
Also, on crew3 summit your wallet

Join the discord and summit feedback on the feedback channel VERY IMPORTANT

Please follow me for more valuable contents
Like, comment and retweet the first post for others to see
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