The Most Terrifying Conclusion From the #TwitterFiles That Everyone's #Ignoring
We can look at the attacks by our government on the 1st Amendment and know things are bad. But there's a darker revelation that's even more concerning.…
How Twitter Rigged
the #Covid Debate
The platform suppressed
true information
from doctors and
public-health experts…
#TwitterFiles Thread ⬇️
The Spies Who Loved #Twitter
From #FBI to #DNI
the DNI to "OGA,"
the full thread on Twitter and
its intelligence partners…
How the #EU_Commission @EU_Commission is
Forcing Twitter to Censor
(and #ElonMusk Can’t Stop It)…
The bold release
by #ElonMusk of #TwitterFiles
#FBI, #BigTech, #BigMedia:
Partners in collusion ⬇️…
#TwitterFiles ⬇️
What We've Learned So Far ?
The bottom line ?
Federal law enforcement asserted primacy over all media distribution, a situation normally only found in tinpot regimes…
1-11 Downloads
(PDF Format)
Here is taken
each “#TwitterFile” thread
release from 1 to 11 and
re-format it into a pdf for record-keeping.
Feel free to download and
keep it for yourself as well.…
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