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Creator of public debates |🎙️X #SpacesHost | The Critics | Lawyer, Internet law | conservative liberal

Jan 16, 2023, 36 tweets

🧵1/“Early Treatment- aspects of censorship”

The Group 3 Thread -
Clips from the historic Space conversation we had on January 8

(Thank you @nada88564211 for all your amazing work here)

Introducing the group Co-Host @thecoastguy 👇🏻 >>

3/ Dr. Sabine Hazan, MD @SabinehazanMD - Testimony part 1:

4/ Dr. Sabine Hazan, MD @SabinehazanMD - Testimony part 2:

5/ Dr. Sabine Hazan, MD @SabinehazanMD - Testimony part 3:

6/ Dr. Sabine Hazan, MD @SabinehazanMD - Testimony part 4:

Q: Sabine, have we been speaking to too many scientists and not enough experts in political science & propaganda? (@NickHudsonCT)

Listen to the discussion with Dr. Hazan (part 1)👇🏻


7/ Dr. Sabine Hazan, MD @SabinehazanMD - Testimony part 4:

Q: Is Covid a political & propaganda problem and not a scientific one? (@NickHudsonCT)

Listen to the discussion with Dr. Hazan (part 2)👇🏻


8/ Dr. Sabine Hazan, MD @SabinehazanMD - Testimony part 5:

Q: What was the justification of people with authority for trying to get in the way of all existing measures to stop covid? (@thecoastguy)

Listen to the discussion with Dr. Hazan👇🏻


9/ Jessica Rose @JesslovesMJK - Testimony:
An article on myocarditis with @P_McCulloughMD that was censored and still ‘in limbo’ was the suspension reason

10/ Dr. Pierre Kory, MD, MPA @PierreKory -
Testimony part 1:

11/ Dr. Pierre Kory, MD, MPA @PierreKory -
Testimony part 2:


12/ Dr. Pierre Kory, MD, MPA @PierreKory -
Testimony part 3:


13/ Dr. Pierre Kory, MD, MPA @PierreKory -
Testimony part 4:

14/ Dr. Pierre Kory, MD, MPA @PierreKory -
Testimony part 5: #Hydroxychloroquine #Ivermectin


15/ Dr. Pierre Kory, MD, MPA @PierreKory -
Testimony part 6:


16/ Dr. Pierre Kory, MD, MPA @PierreKory -
Testimony part 7:


17/ Dr. Tess Lawrie, @lawrie_dr @WCH_org (still suspended account 😠)
Testimony part 1:

18/ Dr. Tess Lawrie, @lawrie_dr @WCH_org (still suspended account 😠)
Testimony part 2:

19/ Dr. Tess Lawrie, @lawrie_dr @WCH_org (still suspended account 😠)
Testimony part 3:

20/ Dr. Tess Lawrie, @lawrie_dr @WCH_org (still suspended account 😠)
Testimony part 4:

Q: Would you vaccinate your children today Tess? @thecoastguy

👉🏻 A must hear discussion that developed around this question (part 1)


21/ 👉🏻 A must hear discussion that developed around the question of trust in the medical regulators and vaccines in general following the Covid vaccine propaganda (part 2):


22/ 👉🏻 A must hear discussion that developed around the question of trust in the medical regulators and vaccines in general following the Covid vaccine propaganda (part 3):


23/ Dr. Thomas Binder, MD @Thomas_Binder
Testimony part 1:


24/ Dr. Thomas Binder, MD @Thomas_Binder
Testimony part 2:


25/ Dr. Thomas Binder, MD @Thomas_Binder
Testimony part 3:

* Thread continues >>

26/ Dr. Thomas Binder, MD @Thomas_Binder
Testimony part 4:


27/ Dr. Jackie Stone, MD @DrJackieStone
Testimony part 1:


28/ Dr. Jackie Stone, MD @DrJackieStone
Testimony part 2:


29/ Dr. Jackie Stone, MD @DrJackieStone
Testimony part 3:


30/ Dr. Jackie Stone, MD @DrJackieStone
Testimony part 4:


31/ Dr. Eric Nepute @NeputeWellness

“I can only pray that the rest of the world has the opportunity to hear the stories that we have all been able to hear and share today”

A must hear Testimony -
part 1:

32/ Dr. Eric Nepute @NeputeWellness

“I am actively being sued by the United States federal government for half a TRILLION dollars for recommending vitamin D and zinc during the pandemic”

A must hear Testimony -
part 2:


33/ Dr. Eric Nepute, @NeputeWellness
Testimony part 3:


34/ Dr. Eric Nepute, @NeputeWellness
Testimony part 4:


35/ Listen to Group 1 thread here:

Group 2 thread here:

(I’ll publish the group 4 thread in the next few days as well)

The full 4.5 hours of conversation are here on YouTube (until they take it down):

36/ 86,000 listened to this conversation, this is the original temporary recording, Hosted by the wonderful @thecoastguy & @NickHudsonCT, Moderated by @KLVeritas @efenigson @JamesfWells & myself

Hopefully those important voices will be heard far and wide…

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