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Jan 18, 2023, 7 tweets

For years people have been illegally sent back from #Italy to #Greece in secret prisons on private ships.

After months of investigating, we’ve found where asylum seekers, including children, are being detained.


While European passengers are enjoying their holiday trips on board #Superfast ferries, below deck - in metal boxes & dark rooms - asylum seekers from #Afghanistan #Syria & #Iraq are detained.

This metal box is next to where trucks are parked - an area that is considered to be unsafe for passengers during the journey.

On another trip to #Igoumenítsa, I met an Afghan refugee who managed to take a selfie while being handcuffed, as he was illegally deported from #Bari #Italy to #Greece. A 12-hours journey.

We went to the same spot & took a footage, which matches the surroundings.

On another ferry, the Asterion II, people are locked behind this door for more than 20 hours. It is a former bathroom with broken showers & toilets.

Outside the prison, the wall is covered with photos of Greek popular summer resorts.

We obtained visual evidence of this room, which matches descriptions given by asylum seekers.

Names & dates of detainees are scribbled on the walls in different languages.

Since the @ECHR_CEDH judgement in 2014, #Italy has repeatedly claimed that this practice has stopped & violations are no longer happening.

In fact, there's a lot of evidence to the contrary.…

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