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All the latest news from conflicts. Ukraine: Election Acct: @Vote_Tracker Telegram:

Jan 20, 2023, 5 tweets

General Overview 20th Jan 2023

Live Map of #Ukraine:…

#Bakhmut, #Donetsk Oblast

The only change in Bakhmut is a very very small #Russian advance in South-east Bakhmut of 100 metres capturing less than 0.1 km2.


#Blahodatne/#Krasnopolivka, #Donetsk Oblast

#Russia has advanced 600 metres towards Krasnopolivka and has started to enter the village from the railway at the south, capturing approx. 0.21 km2.

#Klishchiivka. #Donetsk Oblast

#Russia has crossed the small river in the village and has advanced by 350 metres capturing approx. 0.25 km2 and all of the east side of the village.


Lobkove/#Stepove, #Zaporizhzhia Oblast Pt.1

#Russia has begun to attack in the area of #Lobkove village, which was liberated by #Ukraine in December 2022.


Lobkove/#Stepove, #Zaporizhzhia Oblast Pt.2

#Russia claims to have captured 5 villages in the area but there have been no visual confirmation or confirmation via shelling or from the #AFU.

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