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Jan 28, 2023, 6 tweets

🧵 Greek firms made 1600 trips from Russia, on ships with 136 million DWT (35% of total) since #Ukraine invasion started.

A month after EU sanctions intro’d on 5 December, 🇬🇷 ships still dominate #fossilfuel exports. But who are behind these often little-known tanker companies?

TMS Tankers is controlled by billionaire art donor George Economou. He has a gallery named after him at London’s Tate Modern, and is a supporter of many global #art institutions 🖼

His firm conducted 11 voyages on ships with more than 1 million DWT in the month after 5 December.

The Andreas Martinos-led Minerva Marine, meanwhile, embarked on 13 trips from #Russia with 1.2 million DWT ship capacity during the period.

Other high-profile Greek shippers include a trio who also control major media outlets in the country – all highly critical of the invasion.

A firm belonging to Ioannis Alafouzos, owner of the SKAI network, left #Russia on 3 January w/ crude oil bound for Turkey.

In a report for another of his companies, Alafouzos said he was “deeply shocked by the atrocities perpetrated against the innocent people of Ukraine.”

Four days earlier, Evangelos Marinakis’ Capital Ship Management left Russia with thousands of tonnes of crude oil for an undeclared destination.

Marinakis owns English #PremierLeague side Nottingham Forest and also controls Greece’s Mega television network 🏟

Avin International, controlled by Vardis Vardinoyannis, who owns two of Greece’s six private TV stations, sent 🇷🇺 oil on ships with 270,000 DWT after 5 December.

Read more in our latest report from #FuellingWar, an investigation series w/ @reporters_gr:…

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