Matt Fleming, Florida Expert Profile picture
--the dude abides-- important* comments under pinned 'tweet' are saved threads 🧵.

Feb 1, 2023, 12 tweets

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The Democratic Party needs a messaging revamp, like now. You can't tell us "Democracy itself is on the line", even when that's true, and expect to get by on this milquetoast bs. You lost the midterms to a clown show, and its getting worse.


FACT: Republican malfeasance in our nations pandemic response killed 500,000 Americans or more. They called it a chinese bioweapon but then protested and fought every measure to save lives while stuffing their pockets with tax money.


FACT: Donald Trump is a criminal who tried to overthrow the constitution in a violent coup attempt. He needs to stand trial for that, and his enablers in congress need to be REMOVED under the 14th Amendment. The excuse that "they wont let us" is trash.



The debate over public policy in this country gets contorted into partisan bickering, false equivalence, recriminations, and conspiracy theories. For clarity, the real struggle is:

Public Interest vs Private Interest



FACT: The GOP followed Putin's money to Mar A Lago, but The GOP has been waging war on public education for 30 years on behalf of China who knows that our economic competitiveness depends on an educated populace.

The Racism is just a front for that.



FACT: 15 Million or more Americans are going to lose Medicaid coverage starting April 1, in 2 months. Its time for you to embrace #MedicareForAll once and for all, and deliver a national public health care system.



FACT: You didn't just give up on the #FreedomToVote Act. You abandoned every major popular provision in the #BuildBackBetter Act. No one will trust you to govern when two corrupt pieces of dog sh like Manchin and Sinema can hold you hostage.


The GOP is trying to crash the economy. Its time for them to either stop, or let them. End the standoff. If they want to push the economy over the edge, then they can take the blame for it.



FACT: You have insurrectionists throughout the highest levels of bureacracy, like #LouisDejoy, #CletaMitchell, #ChrisWray, #GinniThomas, #CharlesFlynn, and more, and you are letting them stay there. Is Democracy on the line or not?

Fire them.


FACT: The GOP was going to try to stop student debt relief whether it was a million dollars or a trillion dollars. Just #CancelStudentDebt. All of it.


Republicans are not going to vote for you no matter what you do. We are waiting.

You end this culture war bs by working towards ECONOMIC and Constitutional change.

Or keep losing. Because the argument "who cares, let them burn it down so we can start over" is an appealing one to many millions of Americans. You ignore that at your own peril.

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