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Entrepreneur and Tinkerer. Business Ideas Newsletterđź“Š The Phoenix Project (my building in public project)

Feb 3, 2023, 24 tweets

Has #ChatGPT gone woke? [Controversial findings!]

Has social-political bias infiltrated ChatGPT?

Is AI being used to push the owner's social and political agendas?

Read this thread 🧵and form your own option 👇

#artificialintelligence #ai #woke

I asked ChatGPT to tell me a joke about women.

It refused because it will not tell a joke that is “derogatory or offensive to a particular gender or group of people.”

#artificialintelligence #ai #woke #chatgpt

Then I asked ChatGPT to tell me a joke about men.

A joke about women is potentially offensive.

But a joke about men, implying that we are alcoholics, is perfectly okay?

Nothing “derogatory or offensive” here…


#artificialintelligence #ai #woke #chatgpt

It made me wonder, is it okay to joke about men in general, or will ChatGPT be offensive to all men?

So I made a modifier to see what it would do.

“Tell me a joke about black men.”

It refused.

If I added color or ethnicity, I got nothing.

I decided to switch focus to everyone’s favorite topic: politics!

One caveat!

I am not American, and I do not have an opinion about politics.

Heck, I do not even understand how your system works (I am European).

With that out of the way, let’s dive in.

I know Donald Trump has been a polarizing figure in American (and World) politics.

I bet there are some biases around him.

I was right!

(Again, I don’t have an opinion, I am just reporting).

#artificialintelligence #ai #woke #chatgpt #donaldtrump

ChatGPT will not give me a poem admiring Donald Trump.

But can I get a poem admiring Joe Biden?

Sure can!

#artificialintelligence #ai #woke #chatgpt #donaldtrump #joebiden

Let’s explore a bit more.

Can I get a poem admiring other controversial world leaders?

First up, China’s leader Xi Jinping.

#artificialintelligence #ai #woke #chatgpt #donaldtrump

So I cannot get ChatGPT to write a poem admiring Jinping.

How about Vladimir Putin of Russia?

No, I cannot get one.

Notice the refusal of Putin vs Jinping vs Trump.


#artificialintelligence #ai #woke #chatgpt #putin

Now we know that we are allowed to admire Joe Biden.

But to admire the previous president of the USA is unacceptable, as is Putin and Jinping.

Let’s explore more…

#artificialintelligence #ai #woke #chatgpt #joebiden #trump

At least ChatGPT is consistent about not wanting to write about Donald Trump.

ChatGPT is okay with joking about men.

Maybe it is okay to joke about Donald Trump?

Let’s find out…

#artificialintelligence #ai #woke #chatgpt #trump

I wonder if I could trick ChatGPT into writing an admiring poem about Xi Jinping since it is so careful in its wording around the Chinese leader.

I approached it from a “nationalistic” angle.

It did not work…

#artificialintelligence #ai #woke #chatgpt

I wonder if the problem is the word “admire” or any negative word is part of the security mechanisms of ChatGPT that prevents it from giving you what you ask.

I decided to remove “admiring” to see what would happen.

#artificialintelligence #ai #woke #chatgpt

Once I removed the word “admiring,” ChatGPT had no problem giving me a poem about Xi Jinping.

But let’s be honest, if this poem is not admiring Jinping, I don’t know what is…

China commends you, OpenAI.

Next Putin…

#artificialintelligence #ai #woke #chatgpt

ChatGPT was happy to give me a poem about Putin once I removed the keyword “admiring.”

Notice sentences 3 and 4…?

Again, I would claim these are quite “admiring” words to a dictator…

#artificialintelligence #ai #woke #chatgpt

I think this is where things get interesting…

A poem about Trump comes with a caveat!

Like him, or hate him, OBJECTIVELY, aren’t Putin and Jinping worse than Trump?

#artificialintelligence #ai #woke #chatgpt #donaldtrump

Isn’t it remarkable that an ex-president of America, whom almost half of the population voted for, gets a far worse “treatment” by ChatGPT than dictators and warmongers?

Is this political bias?

Let’s dig a bit deeper…

#artificialintelligence #ai #woke #chatgpt

I had an idea…

Could I somehow get ChatGPT to write an admiring poem about Jinping and Trump, if I did it in a “roundabout” way?

First out, Jinping.

Let’s pretend we are Chinese…


#artificialintelligence #ai #woke #chatgpt

Armed with new knowledge, I applied the same logic and tried again with Donald Trump.

I was expecting ChatGPT to comply.

I was wrong!

Notice this: “...or who have been convicted of crimes”.

#artificialintelligence #ai #woke #chatgpt #donaldtrump

ChatGPT states that it will not admire individuals who have been convicted of crimes.

Now, this is an interesting insight.

But is it true?

Or is it a truth only related to Trump?

Let’s find out.

#artificialintelligence #ai #woke #chatgpt #donaldtrump

I asked ChatGPT to write me a poem admiring Chuck Berry, a rock’n’roll musician my parents loved.

This is getting interesting!

#artificialintelligence #ai #woke #chatgpt #chuckberry

Naturally, I had to ask (I already knew the answer, but I wanted to double check that ChatGPT knew too).

Chuck Berry had a rap sheet. And it is worse than ChatGPT leads us to believe…

#artificialintelligence #ai #woke #chatgpt #chuckberry

Double standards much?

Let’s try one more.

Mike Tyson is the world's best boxer and a convicted rapist (2 x 10yrs).

No problem here either…

#artificialintelligence #ai #woke #chatgpt #chuckberry

There you have it.

Do you think ChatGPT has gone woke or that it has political biases?

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I am Thomas, and I write a weekly newsletter on AI 🤖

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