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Feb 7, 2023, 6 tweets

#JieData #FOMO #Crypto #cryptocurrency #NFA #CRV
Huge deal for #CRV! Michwill, the CEO of Curve, has continued to increase his holdings in the last 6 days to as much as 20,000,000 #CRV.

1) As shown in the chart, we checked the “Aggregate Inventory of All JieData Labels in Ethereum” of CRV. We found that about 10,000,000 #CRV were moved between 2am and 3am on 7 February. 1 hour later, the price went down to a certain degree. Click on the chart for more details.

2) Then, we can see that the address (end as Oxa7) has withdrawn 9,900,000 #CRV from AAVE protocol, which is the biggest transaction.

3) From the chart below, we can see that the address holds hundreds of different coins. The change in #CRV numbers is most pronounced. It holds more than 20,000,000 #CRV.

4) By using the “Address Analysis” function, we can sure that the address belongs to Curve CEO Michwill. The address keeps increasing its #CRV holdings in the last 6 days.

5) From the chart below, we can see that the increasing and decreasing of Michwill and #CRV prices show a positive correlation. So will the #CRV price go up next? Let’s wait.

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