Discover and read the best of Twitter Threads about #CRV

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#JieData #FOMO #Crypto #cryptocurrency #NFA #CRV
Huge deal for #CRV! Michwill, the CEO of Curve, has continued to increase his holdings in the last 6 days to as much as 20,000,000 #CRV.
1) As shown in the chart, we checked the “Aggregate Inventory of All JieData Labels in Ethereum” of CRV. We found that about 10,000,000 #CRV were moved between 2am and 3am on 7 February. 1 hour later, the price went down to a certain degree. Click on the chart for more details.
2) Then, we can see that the address (end as Oxa7) has withdrawn 9,900,000 #CRV from AAVE protocol, which is the biggest transaction.
Read 6 tweets
🧵 We believe that on-chain asset management is the next narrative that will drive large-scale DeFi adoption.

But it's more than just a narrative! Asset management platforms can act as the infrastructure and liquidity hubs for DeFi!

Here is the business case for Factor 👇
😃 The opportunity:

To transform DeFi from a niche, siloed billion-dollar industry into a widely adopted trillion-dollar industry.

We can do this by providing a secure, no-code, one-click infrastructure to aggregate core DeFi products and liquidity. 2/
😕 The problem:

But first, we must overcome a number of challenges!

DeFi is an early-stage, fragmented market that faces a vast number of barriers to entry.

These issues range from technical to usability to perception. Let's break down some of the key issues one by one. 3/
Read 16 tweets
Top Net Buy Value #tokens in the last 5 mins

$LINK +$162K
$CRV +$73K
$FXS +$33K
$BOOST +$9.9K
#X2Y2 +$9.9K
$WBTC +$9.5K
$XMON +$8.8K
$CVX +$6.1K

#LINK & #CRV Net Buy surge compared to the previous value…… Image
The increase & decrease of the Net Buy Value indicator represents the sell & buy actions on the decentralized exchanges, which can directly influence the rise & fall of the price.

E.g., $LINK Net Buy recorded consecutive positive signals when the price was climbing. Image
Combine the Net Buy Value with more DEX Trading indicators to validate the uptrend.

E.g., $BAL. Both Net Buy, Vol & Turnover Rates indicators recorded consecutive positive signals when the price was surging.

Live Signals👇…

#crypto #tradingsignals ImageImageImage
Read 4 tweets
Tarih 2 Kasım 2020 #CRV anlık fiyat 0,37 işaretli bölge 0.33 neyse bu grafiği paylaşıyorum, tabi millet yoghhh ya önce düşecek de sonra çıkacak filan modunda =) CRV ilgili alana geldikten sonraki hedef x3 filan bu arada. Ben de Kayseri'ye gidiyorum arabadayım (hey be ne günler)
neyse rakam 0.33 e geliyor (analiz devam twittleri mevcut) sonra da x3 hedefine ulaşıyor. devam eden zamanda da x20 filan yapıyor
Tarih 22 Kasım 2022 ( ne güzel tarihmiş 2222 :) ) #CRV 2 yıl önceki konumuna geliyor. ben de bunu paylaşıyorum tabi öteki yanda piyasadan bağımsız bir satış baskısı olayı var hatta Telegram'a da attım ilgili bir paylaşımı.
Read 4 tweets
给大家理一理卖空 $CRV 的鲸鱼的操作记录:
1. 11.14 号:从主地址 ponzishorter.eth 接收资金 3895 万 $USDC ,存入 #Aave 作抵押物。
2. 11.14-11.16 号:分三笔共借出了 500 万 CRV,使用 #1inch 分多次卖成 USDC,这时候 CRV 价格 $0.61。
3. 11.17-11.21 号:估计是嫌链上深度不够,后面就不在链上卖了,借了 CRV 直接转进 #OKX 。而且单笔借出数量也越来越大,从 200 万-到 300 万一笔-到 500 万。这时候 CRV 价格 $0.51。
4.11.22 日:胃口越来越大,直接单笔借出 2000 万 CRV,分两次转进了 OKX。这时候 CRV 价格 $0.45。
现在他总共借出了 3700 万 CRV,CRV 目前流通总量为 6.36 亿,他这段时间卖空了 CRV 6% 的流通量。
后面需要吸筹把 CRV 买回来还回去,这中间应该有点机会。
Read 16 tweets
Dünyada #Bitcoin'den sonra en ateşli fan kitlesine sahip 2.proje, #Ethereum'un en zayıf rakibi #ADA #Cardano hakkındaki düşüncelerim:

Bilgi paylaşıldıkça bereketlenir.
RT+FAV yapmayı unutmayı dostlarım.
Cardano, #Ethereum'un kurucu ortaklarından Charles Hoskinson'un dahil olduğu bir ekip tarafından 2017'de piyasaya çıktı. CEO'su Charles, çıktığı günden itibaren sürekli ''ben matematikçiyim, akıllı kontratlar yakında geliyor'' diye diye yatırımcıları 2017'den 2021'e kadar uyuttu.
Bu süreçte tek yaptığı sürekli yeni whitepaper yazmak oldu. Ancak enteresan bir şekilde normalde uyutulan coinlerin fan kitlesi erirken Cardano'nun kitlesi genişledi. Kitle genişledikçe beklenti arttı. Beklenti arttıkça fanlar adeta birer pazarlamacıya döndü.
Read 13 tweets
今天分析 #MATIC 的压力还是很大的,本身就对 #Polygon 不是很熟悉,自己基本也没用过,Matic的也基本没持有过,虽然前边分析的除了 #CRV 都不太熟,但是Matic的用户太多,懂的人也太多,一个不好就露怯了,不过话都已经说出来了,咱们就说说看,真说的不对的地方还请请喷,毕竟我只看了链上数据。
每次新的分析肯定是从活跃地址,以及和BTC的价格走势来对比,这也是最直观了解一个Token的方式。可以很清楚的看到在六月前 #MATIC 的价格走势和 #BTC 看上去完全没有重合的迹象,尤其是BTC在三四月份处于高点的时候Matic还在较低的价格徘徊,但其实这段时间的Matic也是属于高速的增涨阶段。
反而在六月份 #BTC 经历了519大幅下跌的时候 #MATIC 走出了一个逆势行情,也是在这个时候活跃用户和新增用户都有了大幅提升,应该是有什么较大的利好发生吧,而从这次的事件后走势和就与BTC高度重合了,甚至在十二月底一月初BTC已经处于大跌的状态下,Matic竟然又一次逆势走出了年内的最高价格。
Read 9 tweets
小伙伴们都知道我被套的挺惨的,大过年的也没什么可以回报大家在2021年的支持,所以只能多写点数据看看能不能帮上大家,目前GlassNode今天的数据还是有很大的缺失,所以ETH和资金的分析大概率凉了,那就是来一个 #CRV 的数据分析吧,而且 #curve 我也是一直在用,CRV也在一直挖,所以可以讲讲
#CRV 就要知道什么是 #curve ,不知道Curve或者不理解它的运作方式就很难理解为什么我会说Crv是被严重低估的DeFi Token ,简单的说Curve就是稳定币的兑换池,或者是稳定币的DEX,但是实际上,远远不止如此,如果我们把所有的稳定币都想成是法币,那么Curve做的就是全互联网领域里最大的资金兑换中心
所以Curve最大想象力是在于如果各个基于法币的稳定币硬承兑是合规的,那么对于Crypto的世界来说,有了Curve就可以打通数字货币和法币的直接通道,虽然现在还没有办法实现,但是我相信这是未来的趋势。而 #CRV 作为这么庞大的一个系统的底层代币,目前的市值和价格小伙伴们就知道为什么我会说严重低估了
Read 10 tweets
Real cost of borrowing stablecoins.
This is part 3 of the series, I will go through different chains in the next parts.

1/ Today I will speak about #Fantom chain. Let's take a look on @GeistFinance, @Screamdotsh, @ibdotxyz, @MIM_Spell, @HundredFinance and @QiDaoProtocol.
2/ @GeistFinance provides up to 10% APR on your collateral (28% APR for #CRV at the moment) and up to positive 4% (get paid to borrow) APR on borrowed stablecoins. Note that #GHST tokens have a 3 months vesting period or a 50% penalty for an early unlock.
Read 14 tweets
Real cost of borrowing stablecoins.
This is part 1 of the series, I will go through different chains in the next parts.
1/ Today we'll talk about minimizing the cost of borrowing stablecoins on #Polygon chain. #Fantom and #Terra are in the drafts already.
2/ The most popular loan in crypto is stablecoin loans. If you fill that market is trending upwards you can leverage position by collateralizing your assets and borrowing stablecoins against it. It is not the most actual topic at the moment, but you'll be prepared for later.
Read 12 tweets
1/ 🚨 MARKET UPDATE🚨 A thread... 👇

Below I will share my views of the market and my plan, are you in? Lets go...

#Bear markets are great opportunities to scoop coins at a significant discount. The right picks can change lives.

Don't fall into FUD! Start planning!

2/ This is my third bear market. Here is what I learned so far. Bitcoin first. 👇

#Bitcoin bottoms after 85% drop from ATH, #ETH at 95%. Will we see similar drops now? Possibly, but maybe not.

Below the #Bitcoin levels to watch as we drop. Image
3/ $30k for #BTC is almost certain. If that breaks (likely), then $20k is in play.

To me $20k is the most likely level where we will bottom after a 70% crash. Why?

Previous ATH and strong support levels. Moreover, institutions are here now, so a 85% drop is less likely. 👇
Read 13 tweets
why so bullish on


a RE-bread 0//12 (cos 1st one was cryptic unorganized)
to understand why, we need to know a little about $CRV & $CVX.

curve is the most efficient liquid stable coin swap in #DeFi currently with fees roughly 0.02% (much lower then uniswap & sushiswap), also a stablecoin LP farm.
curve offers stablecoin farms to earn yield in $crv tokens, which can then be staked to earn $veCrv which are the tokens used to vote. (stable coin farms have 0 impermanent loss)
Read 13 tweets
why so bullish on


a bread 0//12
@redactedcartel 1/
to understand why, we need to know a little about $CRV & $CVX.

curve is the most efficient liquid stable coin swap in #DeFi currently with fees roughly 0.02% (much lower then uniswap & sushiswap), also a stablecoin LP farm.
curve offers stablecoin farms to earn yield in $crv tokens, which can then be staked to earn $veCrv which are the tokens used to vote. (stable coin farms have 0 impermanent loss)
Read 14 tweets
So, you want to be a big player that is part of Curve and Convex on Ethereum, but don’t want to pay high gas fees. Look no further, a small thread on how LiquidDriver will utilize the gauge system of SpiritSwap, just like Convex utilizes the gauge system of Curve. #LQDR #SPIRIT
Just like veCRV holders control the emission for #CRV, inSPIRIT holders control the emission for #SPIRIT. Currently inSPIRIT holder can only vote on 3 different pools 👇. But soon SpiritSwap will move all farms to gauges, thereby transitioning into a gauge system like Curve.
In the meantime LiquidDriver has been accumulating inSPIRIT in the form of linSPIRIT, a liquid form of inSPIRIT. They already accumulated more then 10M inSPIRIT and with the proposal LIP-003 passing, LiquidDriver could acquire an additional 3M inSPIRIT per month. That's insane!
Read 9 tweets
1/9 Time for a thread about #IOTA, the up coming smart contract platform #ISCP and why I'm excited for the ecosystem #DEFI #ETH #FTM #AVAX #BNB #SOL...
2/9 What do all major smart contract platforms and their native token have in common leading up to and immediately after the launch of their smart contract system?
3/9 Price appreciation, all major L1/L2 solutions have had significant run ups in price prior to and after launching successful smart contracts, well over and above market trends. See Solana's recent SC launch price appreciation below....
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Curve @CurveFinance needs more appreciation and #crv is heavily undervalue.

1.the veCrv competition between @iearnfinance @ConvexFinance and @StakeDAOHQ , they all wants boost up their earnings and increase their APY by purchase and lock more #Crv. Image
2.Curve’s multi-chain plan
Polygon has bought 1billon TVL and 50M daily transactions volume for curve. if curve deploy on more chains and L2 it will brings more TVL, transaction volume and fees for Curve. Image
3. curve’s 1st emission reduce starts from August , preCrv airdrop will be done around mid August. So people like @DegenSpartan will stop dumping free tokens . Image
Read 5 tweets
Been right on all these mentioned $ALTS with 50-200% moves 🔥


$EOS #EOS Image
Read 10 tweets
1) On AMMs, On-chain is a completely different world compared to off-chain, I’m a firm believer that the concept of on-chain order book does not work due to its complexity involved in making a market, transaction costs for constantly shifting orders.
2) Not to mention the speed of matching orders where centralized ones can do a way better job than the decentralized counterpart. Constant Function Market Makers: #DeFi’s “Zero to One” Innovation.…
3) With @Uniswap #UNI V3 launched, we are now entering the capital efficiency era in the #DeFi world. Now, let’s talk about the various AMM models on the market, starting with the most intuitive one which has formed the cornerstone of where we are today.
Read 36 tweets
yEarn just released a #veCRV vault that completely changes the game for the #Curvefinance ecosystem.

👇In a big ol' tweet thread, here's what I know so far 👇

If you don't know the #CRV mechanics, the tldr is $CRV can be time locked to get $veCRV. This entitles the holder to a cut of fees on the platform. It decays over time and you cannot retrieve your $CRV until the lock expires. This also gives the holder voting rights
The other function of veCRV is that when you supply liquidity to Curve, there is a base payment made to you in CRV token. When you have veCRV, you can boost the amount of CRV you earn as an LP.
Read 15 tweets
#miltwitter, #FieldCatering, how can we do it better! A fortune is being spent on #CRV, #IFV, #Robots and #Autonomy but a #Army (#Navy and #Airforce) marches on it stomach attributed to Napoleon Bonaparte. So what is the newest and latest?1/3 Image
What does #good look like? Why are cooks still in tents? Does the catering create a unnecessary Logistics burden that modularity can address. Who has the best Catering system in the world? (The ADF quality is excellent but the deployed facilities are a logistics burden). 2/3 Image
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