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🔬Health & science reporter | Contributor to: @NYTimes @NBCNews @WashingtonPost @NewYorkSun | Others: @TheAtlantic @Guardian | Cancer Survivor | @Columbia grad

Feb 22, 2023, 12 tweets

The CDC's #ACIP meeting on #mpox/#monkeypox is going on. Some interesting stats! Cases have remained overwhelmingly among men who have sex with men. Cases in kids have been extremely rare. Vaccine uptake has been racially inequitable. 🧵⬇️

The CDC estimates the Jynneos mpox vaccine efficacy based on 9,544 mpox cases among men 18-49 from July 31-Oct 1. Mpox rates were 7.4 times higher than those with 1 dose of the vax and 9.6 times higher than those with 2 doses. No difference based on subdermal vs intradermal. 2/

More mpox stats: 3/

An Israeli study estimated that the Jynneos mpox vaccine reduced the risk of the virus by 86%. 4/

Another study estimated that the Jynneos vaccine was 66% for those fully vaccinated, including 76% of those with no immunocompromising conditions. 5/

Yet another study found the #mpox vaccine was 90% effective among those without immunocompromising conditions. 6/

A New York City study of the #mpox vaccine found it was 66% to 83% effective. 7/

The mpox vaccine is safe according to multiple means of monitoring safety, per the CDC #ACIP meeting.

BREAKING: French researchers estimate the Jynneos #mpox vaccine is 99% effective. Per #CROI2023: of 472 participants in HIV PrEP study, 77 got mpox. Before and after mpox outbreak and July 2022 vaccination campaign, the only factor tied to reduced mpox risk was vaccination. 1/2

The French researchers found that after the mpox outbreak started, the only significant shift in sexual behavior change in the 472 men who have sex with men on HIV PrEP was a reduction in the proportion reporting >10 sexual partners during previous 3 months (45% to 35%). 2/2

@Boghuma analyzed data on military vets and service members, many of whom received the smallpox vaccine between 2002 and 2017. 1,007 were tested for suspected #mpox, 298 tested positive. In this group, vaccination, typically 13 years before, lowered risk 66% to 72%. #CROI2023

Here's my latest report on #mpox for @NBCNews. #CROI2023…

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