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Research & performance-driven investment approach coupled with innovative products.

Feb 25, 2023, 22 tweets

@shyamsek The ithought Way - Our Investment Philosophy

#TruBluPMS #theITHOUGHTway #ithought #investing

@shyamsek The #TruBluPMS Portfolio - Capturing Mega-Trends!

@shyamsek Great Investment = Strong Fundamentals + Attractive Valuations

#fundamentals #valuations #investing #TruBluPMS

@shyamsek The 4 Pillars of #TruBluPMS

@shyamsek Market Cap Composition #TruBluPMS

@shyamsek #Nifty Vs #TruBluPMS Profitability

@shyamsek #Nifty Vs #TruBluPMS Profit Ranking

@shyamsek The #TruBluPMS Promise

@shyamsek Who is #TruBluPMS for?

@shyamsek Why should you own a #TruBluPMS?

@shyamsek #TruBluPMS Factsheet

@shyamsek #TruBluPMS Portfolio Performance

@shyamsek #TruBluPMS Key Terms

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