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MisterBond's #RollOfHonour for various Equity scheme categories for the year ending on March 31'2023.

#IHR - Investor High Returns Score - Higher Returns in Higher Bands
#IER - Investor Experience Returns Score - IHR divided by Stabd Deviation
#BI - Beating Industry Average Image
MisterBond's Roll of Honour in #ELSS schemes Image
MisterBond's Roll of Honour in #FlexiCap schemes Image
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#nifty50 #NiftyBank #corporateindia
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@shyamsek The ithought Way - Our Investment Philosophy

#TruBluPMS #theITHOUGHTway #ithought #investing
@shyamsek The #TruBluPMS Portfolio - Capturing Mega-Trends!
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Entirely #Quantitative analysis:
Read 9 tweets
Lot of #AMCs come up with different ideas, themes, sectors.

These are demands from #Investors as they have done well in recent past.

AMCs are manufacturers & will offer what is in demand.

Final choice to say YES or NO lies entirely with Investors based on their #NEEDs
What should investors choose and what should they ignore. A point by point guide on where and why to invest in certain #themes, #MarketCap bias, #Sectors, #AssetClasses etc.

What should be criteria for these selections and what should guide them to resist from Investing?
Lets start with #Debt:

Keep enough money as 1 year of your expenses as #EmergencyFunds in #LiquidSchemes

You already have enough exposure to debt as:

1. #PPF
2. #TaxFreeBonds
3. #FDs

No need for separate debt allocation if you are investing thru #AssetAllocation (AA) or #DAAF
Read 16 tweets

La diversification répartit votre risque, vous permettant de profiter à la fois de la stabilité des #crypto bien établies comme le #Bitcoin et l'#Ethereum et du potentiel astronomique 🚀des moyenne et faible capitalisations. ⬇️⬇️
Les #cryptos sont un marché non régulé et donc extrêmement volatile mais si vous avez bien diversifié vos placements, sauf énorme krach 💥, il est peu probable que TOUS vos investissements en crypto-monnaies 🪙 s'effondrent 📉exactement au même moment.
Il n'existe pas de portefeuille parfait. Chacun a des objectifs d'#investissement et une tolérance au risque différents - Si la #diversification réduit le risque, elle ne l'élimine pas complètement. Le mieux reste d'étendre vos investissements (#bourse 📊, #immobilier 🏘️) Image
Read 24 tweets
Important Things to Remember before Entering in #SwingTrading for success....

That I have followed and get succeed...

I will also explain each key notes Important....

Note:All key things apply in swing trading only....

It's my personal views not any suggestions..
Swing Tranding means buy any things at lower Price and sell at higher price and get benefit of difference.

Ex:In retail Market we know the wheat trading ,Rice trading..

Same principle applies in #stockmarkets but here only difference is to check different perameters....
Mainly I have working upon two Categories
1)Large caps
2)Mid caps

I always try to avoid small caps for Swing trading....

In this thread I will explain about #largecaps swing trading
Read 11 tweets
The big implication of new rules in #multicap fund category by SEBI. An impromptu attempt at rambling up some thoughts. Would love comments and feedback no how to benefit from this trend. Some points i cover in tweets below 1/5
1) 18-20% of the Total Equity AUM is in Multicap Funds - Suddenly the rules of the game have changed. Will lead to merger and other creative solutions but not mad buying of smallcaps.
#FunFact - There are 35 schemes of #MultiCap Fund and 29 of #LargeCap & 27 of #LargeandMidcap Fund. #Multicap AUM = 1.46 lakh cr. #Largecap = 1.48 lakh cr. The regulator has a problem in principle and true to label issues. Why did they not notice till now? Source -AMFI site
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#TweetStorm - A Quick take on the new #SEBI circular. 1) The new rule states that a Multicap Fund needs to have 25% in #LargeCaps, 25% in #Midcaps. 25% in #Smallcaps. This needs to be aligned before January 2021.
Data Source - MoneyControl 2) The Total AUM of the Multi-Cap Funds is 1.53 lakh crores. 25% allocation to #Smallcap =38300 crores. Current Allocation= 11240 Crores. Potential Buying or Difference to be Aligned = 27062 crores.
3) Why is everyone going mad about it in #Whatsapp and #Twitter. Total Market Cap of 251st to 500th Company is 9 lakh crores. 27000 Cr implies 3% of Equity. In many of smallcaps promoters own 50-75%. That's like 10% of float buying theoretically. Source - AMFI.
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#Ambanization of #Nifty50 - A short #tweetstorm. Full post on this link -… #Reliance is now 14% of the Nifty. Till the time #Reliance outperforms , #Largecap #Mutualfunds to underperform?
Top 2 stocks 23.56% of the Nifty. Top 3 equal to 31.12% and Top 5 equal to 42.83%.Top 20 Stocks are 79.26% of the Index. Lower than the peak of 80.4% .
Top 10 Stocks are 62.6% of the Index. All time High Concentration.
Banking and Financials continues to see weight drop from 40% to 33.16% .
Reliance is the largest weight at 14%. Last 23 stocks weight combined now lesser than Reliance.28 out of the Nifty50 stocks have a weight of less than 1%
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Super proud to announce that @ETMONEY leads the way in the #MutualFund industry. Corners a whopping 28% market share of net equity sales in the month of June. 

When you stay true to your customers, success always follows!! Image
For more details, visit our blog:…
What added to the cheer was that we played a pivotal role in ensuring money was invested in categories made for long-term investing, not flavor of the season
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Negative divergence observed in Breadth oscillator #NIFTY

Implication: Potential Short term correction possible from here on to the tune of 3-5% Image
Anticipated correction has started. Even there is reversal in Step & Ladder chart. #Nifty Image
Now the divergence is more evident.. #Largecap vs #Smallcap Image
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Outerformance of MisterBond's strategies:
#ExitStrategyfromSIP v/s #SIPKaroBhoolJao & #BuyandHold v/s #SmartInvesting over past 2 & 5 years. #MultiCap ImageImage
Outerformance of MisterBond's strategies:
#ExitStrategyfromSIP v/s #SIPKaroBhoolJao & #BuyandHold v/s #SmartInvesting over past 2 & 5 years. #LargeCap ImageImage
Outerformance of MisterBond's strategies:
#ExitStrategyfromSIP v/s #SIPKaroBhoolJao & #BuyandHold v/s #SmartInvesting over past 2 & 5 years. #MidCap ImageImage
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#Periodic Call Auction for Illiquid Scrips was brought in Feb-March 2013 put a lot of illiquid stocks in JAIL where trades happened once in an hour. It was reversed in December 2013. #BSESmallcapIndices made a new low in August 2013.…
Deja Vu 2018 the target now is Liquid Scrips which have a lot of volumes and have gone up !! How many different ways regulators can find to trouble the system !! Some more stocks will keep getting added/deleted. Hopefully, like before the measures get reversed in next few months.
Another regulation is the #Smallcap, #Midcap, #LargeCap Classification wherein now the Regulator will decide the Universe for Mutual Funds and keep coming out with classification every 6 months which depends on price moves !!! Another pain to the system.
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