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Insides, investigations, information from the Kremlin. Stories of murders, terrorist attacks, political reprisals.

Mar 8, 2023, 8 tweets

Dear subscribers and guests of the channel! Yesterday, #Russian President #Putin was presented with several reports on the current situation in #Georgia, where the local parliament approved in the first reading a bill on "foreign agents", which caused a massive protest.

We have already talked about the attempted secret visit of the First Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration, Kiriyenko, to #Georgia, about the poisoning of the former President of Georgia, #Saakashvili, with the assistance of the current Georgian authorities,...

with poison transferred by the Russian special services and on the personal instructions of the President of #Russia, and about the preparation of an assassination attempt on Prime Minister of #Georgia Irakli Garibashvili from Russian interested parties.

Now #Putin, as an observer, is watching the development of chaos in #Georgia, in which he is directly involved. There are very few chances that Putin will decide to use the unstable situation in Georgia to solve his problems.

The president of #Russia is a notorious coward and a very insecure person. To decide on drastic steps, he needs support and encouragement from a number of key people, while support should not be too obvious so that #Putin does not feel he is being led.

Besides, there should be 100% guarantees from the people responsible for the operation, and in the light of the #Ukrainian events, there are simply no fools in #Putin's circle who are ready to take on such responsibility.

#Putin can wreak havoc in #Georgia or another state dependent on #Russia, but he will almost certainly not be able to use the situation to his advantage. Georgia's ability to independently and adequately overcome the current crisis will deal a significant blow to...

#Putin's plans to destabilize the Caucasus as a whole, which, of course, due to the pathological dependence of the current #Georgian authorities on the #Russian leadership, seems doubtful.

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