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Mar 10, 2023, 13 tweets

🧵Introducing The Burn Dashboard

We at Blockchain Army care about the community and truly wish the best for the crypto world. We strive to deliver value in everything we do.

We're proud to introduce, built for our partner @DEXToolsApp !

2/ What is The Burn Dashboard?

The Burn Dashboard is a powerful tool empowering anyone to easily understand extremely valuable data with just a simple look at it.

Let's take a closer look at what it offers!

3/ In the first row there are two graphs:

The first one indicates the speed at which $DEXT is reducing supply, showing how the burn is performing overtime, in addition there is a prediction of the percentage of supply burnt yearly, based on the last 24 hours of data.

4/ The second graph shows the supply shrinkage, highlighting how $DEXT deflationary mechanics hit hard. Even with just one month's worth of data, it is easy to understand how literally 1 million $DEXT have been burnt and disappeared in thin air.

5/ Going forward to the second row, there are three panels that show in detail how much $DEXT has been burnt in the last day, week and month, in amount of $DEXT, percentage of supply, and estimated percentage of supply burnt per year, adjusted in relation to the period.

6/ Without further ado, let’s get straight to the third row, which has four boxes with useful metrics for holders:

The first box displays the number of $DEXT holders and the variation within 24 hours, while the second one showcases the price for Update social Fee service.

7/ The third box showcases how many $DEXT have been burnt as of the current time, as well as providing the expected annual burn, while the fourth one contains information about the monthly buy pressure and a cool 1-year price forecast.

8/ Finally, the fourth and last row shows metrics about the Aggregator Wallet and the Social Wallet, giving users a quick overview of the #ETH and #BSC wallets, along with variations in the last 24 hours, providing users a quick way to understand DEXTools’ revenues performance.

9/ The Burn Dashboard is a useful tool, empowering holders to get insights into valuable information in a simple way, removing the need for complex data structures and avoiding spending hours on #blockchain explorers.

10/ In DEXTool’s case, the dashboard has been used to track burn metrics, but that’s not all.

This tech can be used to display all sorts of data related to all kinds of projects, delivering limitless value in any scenario.

11/ We are thrilled to have worked with @DEXToolsApp on the creation of the dashboard, which we believe will provide immense value to the #Crypto community.

12/ If you are curious to learn more about the platform's functionality and technology, be sure to check out our latest article available on our website and the official medium.



13/ A big thanks to:


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