AllEyesOnRafah Profile picture
Bible warned us of the Snake People - Ashkenazi. Trying to save Goyim humanity by investigating one case study or Black Op at a time.

Mar 16, 2023, 6 tweets

@ABalharry62 Really, why change your surname as an adult? #Humza cousin changed surname from
Saeed to Bhutta after 2014 - at approx 34 years old - WHY

Dundee Courier Editor
David Clegg CIA @AlexSalmond leak -Liz Lloyd Sturgeons right hand CIA & Humza also CIA

Shelter #Wheatley #Housing

@ABalharry62 @AlexSalmond #Humza

Kezia Dugdale ex labour leader - Shelter #Wheatley
Married 2017 Jenny Gilruth MSP SNP

@ABalharry62 @CraigMurrayOrg @WingsScotland @ILawson27 @InfiltratedScot

Very important thing here is : Muslim Brotherhood #Humza Cousin + #MeToo for Salmond stitch up + Transgender are all HQ in Israel. CIA & Mossad are one. #Carter. CIA est by City of London for global spying for bankers

@ABalharry62 @CraigMurrayOrg @WingsScotland @ILawson27 @InfiltratedScot Nicola Sturgeon's Transgender
Nohide laws - #Chabad - WEF Great Reset.
Where are the Chabad centre in Scotland?

@ABalharry62 @CraigMurrayOrg @WingsScotland @ILawson27 @InfiltratedScot Nicola Sturgeon turned from Independence to 2 agendas:

1. #Metoo for @AlexSalmond trial #Israeli
2. Transgender. The Talmud's 8 genders:

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